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Spreadsheet formula problem #219

Closed GrantSP closed 10 years ago

GrantSP commented 10 years ago

This isn't a big issue but if anyone wants to have a crack at it I will describe it here.

Have a look at the formula as working on a specific problem CELL like B70 of the Policies tab of CEP_Language

The formula has a regexreplace to handle the variables in the other language columns. Some of the languages mangle the text inside { }. This doesn't need to change. The "problem" is when the CELL contains a variable that shouldn't be changed, like the one listed here.

Here the new TXT_KEY will call the existing TXT_KEY from something else. This is useful in making composite TXT_KEYs like in CELL B77 where the TXT_KEY_IN_ALL_CITIES is inserted into the new TXT_KEY.

If we can make some IF clauses or similar this will fix it. I am making this just because I stumbled upon it whilst updating some of the text not because it is something that needs urgent attention. Having said that, a lot of the foreign text files are now flawed and will need to be updated. Also there is a slight difference in the formula in the German column as that threw up some specific errors only with German, so the formula cannot be copied across the range of languages.

stackpoint commented 10 years ago

This states that you can use "notranslate"? Or something like it.

GrantSP commented 10 years ago

Not quite. That has more to do with the actual API that is used in many places, like inside the spreadsheet formula googletranslate.

If we set up a custom webpage with its own API then we would have full control on what is translated and how. Unfortunately for us, this is not the case.

Nevermind, this isn't a high priority issue. We can always use the Manual Translation Override columns to provide corrected text.

GrantSP commented 10 years ago

Simple really when I put my mind to it.


instead of: regexreplace($B5,"_[^\{]*\}","}")