Thalassicus / cep-bnw

Civ V Communitas Expansion Pack
32 stars 22 forks source link

Quick and easy improvements #227

Closed Thalassicus closed 10 years ago

Thalassicus commented 10 years ago

Some things I found while playing:







GrantSP commented 10 years ago

I'll piggy-back onto this issue. When you upgrade a unit there is a blue text that rises from it that says something like:

"+45 XP"

Clearly the unit isn't gaining experience from upgrading so what exactly is this figure doing and can we use it to actually do something useful or at the worst, disable it?

Thalassicus commented 10 years ago

When a unit upgrades, the game does these steps:

1) Create a new unit. 2) Copy stats from old unit to new. 3) Delete the old unit.

The new unit starts at 0 xp, and gains xp from the old unit in step 2, displaying that text. I suspect the new unit doesn't know it's a clone. This happens whenever we embark or disembark a unit too: it clones the original, then kills it. Sorta like ideas about cloning, teleportation, or brain-uploading in science fiction.

Most interface stuff is done in Lua, so it might be possible to stop the visuals when a new unit gets XP. We'd have to replace the text-displaying function with our new one, which would accept an "isUpgrading" parameter... and if this function is defined in the game core, without linking to a class we can easily access, we'd need to create a c++ module to replace it.

Thalassicus commented 10 years ago

Done with the changes.