Thalassicus / cep-bnw

Civ V Communitas Expansion Pack
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Great People display on TopPanel #230

Open GrantSP opened 10 years ago

GrantSP commented 10 years ago

Am I correct in thinking the new forms of Great People need to be added to the file, Interface_Data.sql?

Great Writers, Musicians, Admirals and the units from CSD, Ambassadors & Diplomats don't show on the TopPanel but do appear in the tooltip for it.

Should we provide the support for the CSD units or ask Gazebo to add it in his mod?

GrantSP commented 10 years ago

Just added these in to the repo.

I don't think Admirals are being checked for in the TopPanel.lua code.

GrantSP commented 10 years ago

The actual code that pulls the values for the timing is also not accurate. It can be as much as 50% less than what is actually being generated.

It also may be listed them in the wrong order. By that I mean usually the GP to appear the earliest is the one shown on the TopPanel yet I have had a couple of other GPs appear that aren't didplayed and the same GP stays in the TopPanel.

Here the Great Artist in Brasilia is said to generated from +20 GPPs according to the GP list but only +13 according to the TopPanel. Likewise with the Great Writer. The Great Artist shown has been there for about 4 turns despite the fact I just generated a Great Writer on the turn of this screenshot. Also as you can see there is no Great Admiral listed despite the GP list showing one is about 50% generated. greatpeopleratetooltip