Thalassicus / cep-bnw

Civ V Communitas Expansion Pack
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Terrain hover tips #239

Open Thalassicus opened 10 years ago

Thalassicus commented 10 years ago

When we reactivate Civup's hover-tip features in CIN, I'd like to add an "+X yield from building Y (tech Z)" line to tiles with a resource. So for example, a Wheat tile will show:

Wheat +1 [ICON_FOOD] Food to terrain +2 [ICON_FOOD] Food from Farm +1 [ICON_FOOD] Food from Granary (Pottery) +1 [ICON_FOOD] Food from [Civil Service if wet, Irrigation if dry)

GrantSP commented 10 years ago

Is the sort of thing you are after? incensetooltip


The initial tooltip shows the basic info and when the mouse hovers over the tile for X seconds the tooltip expands to show additional information.

Thalassicus commented 10 years ago

I'm uncomfortable with that detailed-info tooltip for a number of reasons.

The most important things people need to know are 1) what tech we need to trade the resource and 2) what building improves it. This information should be clearly visible and prominently featured without waiting to see it. Those two pieces of information determine our early tech path choices.

Every tooltip in the game should sort from most to least important information, such as:

This would greatly reduce the clutter of colors. Simple color patterns are easiest to quickly understand at a glance. It wastes time when we have to decipher what each color means. In addition, many of the colors are difficult to read, like the cyan color chosen for technologies. The colors need to be less vivid. This is especially important for many people whose eyes struggle to decipher bright vividly-colored text on a high-contrast background, a common problem for many people I've met over the years.

Each individual line should also be sorted. The most important decision is what yields we want from improving the tile. Icons should therefore go at the front, since that's what matters most. This will also line up the icons so it's easier to compare them at a glance.

In addition, "Requires tech" should be "Can trade with". Resources require three different techs, not one. There's the tech to show the resource, tech to improve, and tech to trade. These aren't the same for most resources. The most important is when we can trade it.

The last thing is the bullet points are too distracting, and add clutter to the tooltip. It'd be better to use one of the more subtle icons, or remove the icon and use indentation to indicate sub-modifiers of individual improvements.

Most importantly, that tooltip is not available to the majority of users because it's a core override instead of a mod. We'd need to convert it into a mod, which might take a significant amount of time.

I feel it will be faster to re-activate the old tooltip instead of taking lots of time to improve the current one and make it a mod.