Thalassicus / cep-bnw

Civ V Communitas Expansion Pack
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Problem with Infantry #254

Open marvinblue opened 10 years ago

marvinblue commented 10 years ago

Hi there. I've found a problem with the mods that causes a crash. Once I upgrade most of my riflemen to infantry and go to move one of them, the game crashes back to Windows. The units don't have any artwork with them, they're just blank with the icon above them. My machine has an AMD A8-5500 APU with 4 Gb RAM and an AMD Radeon HD 7560D GPU with 2 Gb RAM. I also have all of the most current cep mods upto 14.1.

marvinblue commented 10 years ago

I enabled logging, but I can't attach my LUA log?

GrantSP commented 10 years ago

Rename it to a JPG, PNG or GIF. GitHub allows only those type as attachments. Don't worry about it not actually being of that type.

marvinblue commented 10 years ago

Done! Thanks for that! lua

GrantSP commented 10 years ago

This doesn't sound like a problem in the mod, more like an installation problem.

There haven't been any issues like you describe show up before this current version of 3.15.1 The graphics problems may indicate deeper problems with your setup. Vanilla games have no issues with graphics? Try uninstalling the mods, clearing the cache and ModUserData folder and then re-installing.

The length of your log seems to indicate you perhaps started a savegame and then found this problem, did you change your setup inbetween? Perhaps updated a mod or added something else?

marvinblue commented 10 years ago

No, this was a fresh game. Incidentally, it also happened with another game that I started from scratch. I was also playing as Arabia and the same thing happened when I upgraded to infantry. I'll try the above suggestions and see what happens.

marvinblue commented 10 years ago

I've just done as requested above. Unfortunately, the game still crashed.

GrantSP commented 10 years ago

This doesn't sound like a mod problem. Try verifying your game installation via the Steam client. Also check you have the latest updated version of the game, it should be version

marvinblue commented 10 years ago

I usually launch the game from Steam, so the updates are current, I'm running version I've attached my log and some screenshots as well. Should I either roll-back the mods to 3.13 or upgrade to 3.15? Also, the unit is rifleman, not infantry. I apologise for that. lua 2014-04-07_00001 2014-04-07_00002

GrantSP commented 10 years ago

Most definitely get the latest version from here, version 3.15.1. Or you could wait a day or two, there is possibly an imminent release including ALL the bugfixes over the last couple of months. :smiley:

Before you clear your cache, moduserdata, etc and install this later version, could you zip the contents of the Logs folder and attach it to a post here? The lua.log shows no problem with the mod but as the screenshots show, something is not right.

marvinblue commented 10 years ago

I might as well wait for your big update. Here's the zip folder. Thanks for all of your help so far. That's everything from the Log folder. I couldn't attach a *.zip, so I converted all of the files then attached them individually. achievements_debug app database espionagelog localization init_host modding lua net_message_debug steamcloud stopwatch system_init traderoutelog xml xml-perf

GrantSP commented 10 years ago

Ahh.. thanks!? You do know you could have zipped them and renamed the zip? Not to worry. I haven't seen your bug in the postings before so perhaps there is something else happening, at any rate the next release is, if I may say so, a good one.

marvinblue commented 10 years ago

Tried renaming, wouldn't work. Possibly my passion fingers..... Sounds like the next update will probably fix it.