Thalassicus / cep-bnw

Civ V Communitas Expansion Pack
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GoldenPoints vs GoldenAgeValueFromKills #255

Open GrantSP opened 10 years ago

GrantSP commented 10 years ago

The vanilla game applies a promotion to the Brazilian unit, Prachinha, called PROMOTION_GOLDEN_AGE_POINTS that grants 100 GA points upon victories.

This mod has defined a promotion called PROMOTION_GOLDEN that, although applied in a different manner, looks to do the same thing. CAT_AlterTables.sql defines a new column in the UnitPromotions table called GoldenPoints and assigns 100 to the PROMOTION_GOLDEN promotion.

Is this just a hangover from the mod before the BNW expansion? That is when the Brazilian promotion was introduced along with the new column in UnitPromotions called GoldenAgeValueFromKills.

If so it would probably be best to remove the modded one and use the vanilla.

I think the Persian Immortals may at one time have had this promotion but I'm not sure they do now.