Thalassicus / cep-bnw

Civ V Communitas Expansion Pack
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Building stats & the TooltipWriter #260

Open GrantSP opened 10 years ago

GrantSP commented 10 years ago

After following a discussion on the forum and with a bit of information from @Thalassicus I have found a couple of curiosities that may be smoothed out.

1) A comment was made about Machu Picchu's stats not being listed in the pedia or techtree. It transpires that a recent change to remove the help from buildings and set it to GENERIC rendered it blank. A decision was made to use the vanilla help stats for that Wonder as it was deemed too obscure to phrase the yields easily using the TooltipWriter. I can only assume the reasoning is along the lines of since the yields are NOT applied to the city but to the worked tile the description will be inaccurate. This can easily be rectified when we consider that since the tile is a mountain and can never (with in reason) be pillaged and the city will ALWAYS work this tile, it is for all intents and purposes a city improvement. So, if the TooltipWriter could pull in those values from the Building_NearestPlotYieldChanges table and display them the end result would be the same. Four lines stating: Food: 5 Gold: 5 Culture: 5 Faith: 5

The extra line from the vanilla saying these yields are applied to the mountain tile can either be added in by some means or simply left off, the yields are shown to apply by the yield icons whenever the user is in the CityView.

(this is the only building, other than dummy buildings, that uses the AlwaysShowHelp tag needed to show the vanilla help by the TooltipWriter)

2) All the Wonders that need buildings to exist in ALL the cities first also have the redundant Requires: [building name] along with the Requires: [building name] in All Cities except the Hermitage, National Epic and the National Tourist Centre.

For some reason, I haven't yet discovered, we have removed those buildings from the table Building_ClassesNeededInCity and this means they don't show the redundant text. Obviously if the Wonder can only be built when all cities have the required building then the city in which the wonder is built must need it! It doesn't need to be stated.

I suggest to clean up the text for all the other wonders we likewise remove the tag Building_ClassesNeededInCity from being applied to them so the tooltip shows only the needed text.

Thalassicus commented 10 years ago

1) is a good idea.

2) is because I'd like to reinstate the method where we need the building in only 75% of cities, instead of 100%. The normal table only accepts 100%.

GrantSP commented 10 years ago

I would say you should prepare yourself for some heated debate over the benefits of 75% cities. Personally I can't wait, been longing for this for a while.

skodkim commented 10 years ago

I for one will not argue against the 75% change. It was one of the reasons I started using the mod waaaaay back.
