Thalassicus / cep-bnw

Civ V Communitas Expansion Pack
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Roman Liburna #273

Closed Spheniscine closed 10 years ago

Spheniscine commented 10 years ago

Roman unique Trireme, Liburna, looks identical to the Bireme and has the same unit flag, making it hard to tell them apart in fleets that are a mixture of the two.

GrantSP commented 10 years ago

Two options here, either we find another icon from the core files or we create our own. The first is probably not a way to go as it should have been done already.

Spheniscine commented 10 years ago

One partial solution might be to use the Trireme (vanilla Quinquereme) graphics instead; not ideal to have a unique unit look like its base type (as one can forget that it's unique), but better than looking like another class, especially one that's often mixed with in fleets.

GrantSP commented 10 years ago

I'll have a look tomorrow. If the trireme is good we can make the change.

GrantSP commented 10 years ago

I remember this now. When we first made this unit I used another graphic to avoid the duplication issue you mention. @Thalassicus preferred the current graphic and made the change. Both versions had the same issue, it just depends on where you focus as to which one you prefer.

End result is we are limited with the vanilla graphics as to what to use. I tried looking online for some more graphics that might serve the purpose but came up empty-handed. Unless some new graphics emerge we will stay with what we have.

Spheniscine commented 10 years ago

I just don't see how simply reusing the base class graphics could be considered a worse problem than using graphics from another class, from the same era, that's often mixed with...

Spheniscine commented 10 years ago

Just to note that I've submitted a request for new graphics here: