Open mehmet6parmak opened 3 months ago
Our build pipelines are also suddenly failing with:
Could not determine the dependencies of task ':app:buildGoogleReleasePreBundle'.
Could not resolve all task dependencies for configuration ':app:googleReleaseRuntimeClasspath'. Could not find com.gemalto.jp2:jp2-android:1.0.3.
Looks like, the package can be found on jcenter. Don't forget to clean the browser cache when testing the link.
jcenter worked a couple of days, now it's 404 again.
@vladvlasov256 nope it return 404 so
use huawei maven to download a package after download you can override it
Use the jitpack override -
In your root build.gradle override dependencies like so:
allprojects {
configurations.configureEach {
resolutionStrategy.dependencySubstitution {
substitute(platform(module('com.gemalto.jp2:jp2-android'))) using module('com.github.Tgo1014:JP2ForAndroid:1.0.4')
/* other strategies like so, if desired: */ resolutionStrategy.force ''
Use the jitpack override - #1
In your root build.gradle override dependencies like so:
allprojects { configurations.configureEach { resolutionStrategy.dependencySubstitution { substitute(platform(module('com.gemalto.jp2:jp2-android'))) using module('com.github.Tgo1014:JP2ForAndroid:1.0.4') } resolutionStrategy.force '' } //etc
This worked
The following dependency is missing on the maven repository? Could you check it out please?
The dependency
Related mavenrepository page ->