Thalhammer / simcom_dam

Examples for simcoms downloadable modules (Qualcomm SoC)
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AT command necessary for location example to work? #6

Closed jasongao closed 5 years ago

jasongao commented 5 years ago

Is the location example supposed to work out-of-the-box? I noticed that my location tracking callback never gets called, unless I manually enable GNSS/GPS with AT+CGNSPWR=1. Is that the same behavior you're seeing?

Thalhammer commented 5 years ago

For me, the examples work as is with no separate AT commands required. However, I already tried various things on the module, so it is possible that I have some configuration which is no more factory default.

If the AT command is really required you can send it from inside your app using the visual_at module.

Thalhammer commented 5 years ago

Did you solve this ?

jasongao commented 5 years ago

Yes, I think I just needed to wait longer, no AT commands were required in the end. Thanks!