Thalhammer / snowman

Snowboy reimplementation
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UniversalDetectStream::HotwordDtwSearch() not implemented #16

Open balrog-kun opened 1 year ago

balrog-kun commented 1 year ago

If I use the supplied resources/alexa/alexa.umdl I immediately get the Not Implemented exception in UniversalDetectStream::HotwordDtwSearch(). I see that there's a lot of code in dtw-lib.cpp already (with some TODOs) so maybe that's doable. That said I have no idea how the author got so far without the original code or docs.

Thalhammer commented 1 year ago

I have to admit I never tried the alexa model, because tbh if you want an alexa just buy an alexa. My focus was definitly on custom models. I haven't worked on it a while, but I'll check it out later.

so maybe that's doable

Probably. I just skipped everything I didn't need because testing is kinda hard if you have nothing to check against and its time spent for nothing if everything most people need works without it.

That said I have no idea how the author got so far without the original code or docs.

Magic ;) Naww just kidding. Its reverse engineering. Basically you take a disassembler and decompiler and read the compiled code. It takes some experience, but snowboy is actually pretty easy to reverse because it includes a ton of symbol names and debug statements.