ThallasTV / HelloWorldMcomp

Mcomp Group Project
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Scene Checklist #20

Open ThallasTV opened 4 years ago

ThallasTV commented 4 years ago

All this will be finished by Friday.

ThallasTV commented 4 years ago

Work has been done, I've had issues with commiting due to 2 textures exceeding 100mb.

ThallasTV commented 4 years ago
ThallasTV commented 4 years ago

Currently, the scene runs at roughly 30 fps on my laptop, so I predict performance will be worse whilst using VR.

image (This is the performance after building it to see if there is an improvement)

I somehow need to optimise the scene to improve the FPS so motion sickness doesn't occur whilst using the VR headset.

ThallasTV commented 4 years ago

FPS has been fixed, the problem that occurred was 2 cameras were operational at the same time due to the implementation of the First Person Movement controller... Oops!

Disabling my initial scene camera improved my fps to around 65-70 on my laptop, big improvement!

ThallasTV commented 4 years ago

image Had an idea of surrounding the water with this rock so I don't need to worry about modifying the height of individual faces for the plane.

ThallasTV commented 4 years ago

image This is a target of mine to finish today (Tuesday).

ThallasTV commented 4 years ago


Flat mesh has been created in blender and exported as a .FBX file format so it can be imported to Unity. With shader graph, this simple mesh can become clouds as shown above in a previous comment.

ThallasTV commented 4 years ago

A waterfall mesh was created by @user9536 and deposited within a previous issue:


The mesh(s) was created with Blender and Maya, and exported to the .FBX file format for importing.

This mesh will be used to create a waterfall with the use of shader graph.

ThallasTV commented 4 years ago

The following links will allow me to not forget the resources I need for my assets:

Waterfall: Water:

ThallasTV commented 4 years ago

image Vertex displacement has been added to the water to emulate waves. Youtube link which demonstrates this:

ThallasTV commented 4 years ago


@user9536 The waterfall mesh you have supplied seems to have some issue within Unity. Trying to understand why this is the case. If I cannot figure it out, I might have to do the Waterfall mesh in my own time.

Video to demonstrate the issue:

user9536 commented 4 years ago

When I watched the video, I only had maya installed and I couldn't follow some of the instructions in the video because the guy was building the waterfall in blender, I guess I can make a new one tomorrow with blender.

ThallasTV commented 4 years ago

You said you made 2 waterfalls using both Maya and Blender, sighhhhhhhhh

user9536 commented 4 years ago Okay I remade it with blender, and hope it works this time. I saved my scene as a waterfall.blend file and saved the UV as waterfalluv.png. exported as fbx and obj file. I'm not sure about the mtl file and the blend1 file.