ThallasTV / HelloWorldMcomp

Mcomp Group Project
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To-Do list for our final month. #25

Closed ThallasTV closed 3 years ago

ThallasTV commented 4 years ago

From today, we have 1 month to complete this project. And from our recent progress (especially mine), we need to shift a few gears and pick up the pace.

Assuming we all have our own personal documents that note down our requirements, please give an update on what you are doing, and what you will be doing.

From my perspective, we need to prioritise more time on the report. With 1 month left, the word count is considerably low, this is not a specific members fault, we are all to blame.

Don't forget about the individual report since that is also a requirement.

Do Not forget to email Mike the ethics form, please do that today or at the very latest Friday. Even though we are no longer getting user data from questionnaires and feedback from game testing due to Covid-19, the ethics form is still a requirement.

In summary, here is what we definitely need to work on.

Since this is our final month, it is crucial to give daily update on what each of us has done.

Please state your tasks that have been completed & your future tasks either inside this issue, or the issue that relates to your work.

Ryan-Fletcher commented 4 years ago

Currently I've imported my scripts into the main scene and got them working with the AI to work with the terrain, and added a brief summary in the AI section of the report.

I'm still creating the script that gets the list of entities, the main issue is trying to figure out where to place it in the behaviour tree. I've currently got 2 scripts: the one included with the Behaviour Bricks tool, and another I've created. The script included with Behaviour Bricks is coming up with an error in the inspector, and the script I've created won't become an action to use in the behaviour tree.

The health, damage and track scripts have been created in the meantime. Will be updating the report during the week while working on the entity list.

user9536 commented 4 years ago

There are always inflicts when merging from branches to master, taking longer time to import the prefabs to master. Instead I had to pull the prefabs and refix most parts in master. I finished my scripts with the inventory UI, I'm just messing around with the stuff in the hierarchy atm. Once it's done, I'll import it to master. After this, I'll work on the report which I might need to discuss with @ThallasTV coming weeks.

ThallasTV commented 4 years ago

Today I have formatted the entire report and removed all the bullet points and created headings & subheadings where appropriate. This will make filling in the report much easier.

The image below shows an example of the formatting I have done today.


ThallasTV commented 4 years ago

I am happy with the progress we have made since Wednesday. A decent chunk of the report has been filled in alongside with the further development of the UI by @user9536

Take this weekend easy and chill out, but if there any of us have free time, please continue to improve the game and add content to the report.

As discussed with @Ryan-Fletcher on Discord, I believe we can achieve around 4000 words on the report by the end of this week.

ThallasTV commented 4 years ago

Since a target was set on Friday to reach a word count of 4000, I have added detail in a lot of sections that are relevant to myself, and also those sections which any of us can fill in. I have done roughly 1300 words this weekend which consists of added detail and formatting that we all need to do, such as adding figures where necessary.


Since we have coursework due on the 10th of April, I am not expecting a huge amount of progress this week. But please get the coursework done asap so we can go back to finishing this project.

Ryan-Fletcher commented 4 years ago

Will be working on the programming this week. Once I've sorted out the coding issues, I'll add what's been done to the Implementation section of the report and improve the Main Body and Design sections.

ThallasTV commented 4 years ago

Added mountains instead of the cube walls, implemented the waterfall, surrounded the water with rocks, changed the tree models, added another terrain, added invisible walls with a collider to prevent falling out of bounds, other terrain will be used for future work, created near realistic clouds, restructured the village.

Still a tiny bit to improve the quality of life, it should not take long.

(Had to make another branch, Issues with pushing to my branch occurred).