Thann / play-with-mpv

Chrome extension that allows you to play videos in webpages like youtube with MPV instead
The Unlicense
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Debian stores the executable on .local/bin/play-with-mpv #48

Closed nyxnor closed 3 years ago

nyxnor commented 3 years ago

On GNU/Linux Debian, the launcher was not set correctly, I had to execute this way ./.local/bin/play-with-mpv So I needed to modify the executable to this path. Changed the Play With MPV (server) on /home/floor/.local/share/applications/ to Exec=./.local/bin/play-with-mpv as it is a better consistent solution. play-with-mpv works on ungoogled-chromium (to appear on search results).

Thann commented 3 years ago

You should ensure that $HOME/.local/bin is added to your path, so you can just run play-with-mpv from anywhere =]