ThanokKarabor / Karabor

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Warlock Quest for Dreadsteed #143

Open Letanius opened 7 years ago

Letanius commented 7 years ago

First things first, it does appear that Dire Maul is not properly scripted as there were no walking pats. All mobs were spawned but just hanging out at their spawn points.

2nd thing is the entire quest chain up to Dire Maul works perfectly, but Dire Maul is were it starts acting wonky.

Immol'thar is able to be killed by the Highborne ghosts. That is NOT blizzlike. The Barrier around Immon'thar at first appears to not be there, but then appears as you try to walk through it. When killing all of the elementals around the crystals, they do not do their "crystal pop" animation like they are supposed to. Players cannot see Bell, Candle, or Wheel during Dreadsteed Summoning Ritual. GM's can see them and interact with the Bell, Candle and Wheel in GM mode. Bell, Candle and Wheel are not stopping and needed to be restarted like the Mor'zul's Instructions suggest. Could be we got lucky but I find that highly unlikely. The 9 runes on the outside are visible to the player but the summoning circle is not. Xorothian Glyphs are usable by the player once all 9 runes appear. Dreadsteed fight proceeds as normal. Quest can be completed.