ThanosSiopoudis / BarrelApp

Barrel - The Wine port manager for OS X
16 stars 2 forks source link

Suggestion: Wine Engine Selection and some related thoughts #53

Closed dirtyharry50 closed 10 years ago

dirtyharry50 commented 11 years ago

A first time user "rolling their own" bundle is going to be confused by the array of engine choices and depending on their familiarity with Wine may have no clue what those choices actually represent.

This would be an excellent place to add a help button in the future leading to a basic explanation of the choices and perhaps to suggest the latest stable release option for a first attempt at setting up a game. This help could conclude with a generic link to AppDB and general pointers on sifting through the information there to find any special tweaks, specific Wine releases needed for best results, etc. and then offer links to the areas of help for Barrel that focus on using Winecfg and Winetricks.