Thaoky / Altoholic_Retail

WoW Altoholic Addon (WoW Retail version)
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Lua Error when recieving mail from another player #51

Open Niyuni opened 1 month ago

Niyuni commented 1 month ago

45x DataStore_Mails/DataStore_Mails.lua:367: attempt to call method 'GetCharacterID' (a nil value) [string "@DataStore_Mails/DataStore_Mails.lua"]:367: in function func' [string "@DataStore/API/GuildComm.lua"]:193: in functioncallback' [string "@DataStore/Events/Comm.lua"]:29: in function <DataStore/Events/Comm.lua:25> [string "@DataStore/Events/Comm.lua"]:63: in function <DataStore/Events/Comm.lua:34>

Locals: sender = "Knallerpse" icon = 5929558 link = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:218336::::::::80:66:::::::::|h[Schwarmchitin der Kaheti]|h|r" count = 1 (temporary) = nil (temporary) =

{ name = "DataStore_Mails" CharacterTables =
{ } ThisCharID = 1 } (temporary) = "Default.Aegwynn.Niyuni" (temporary) = "attempt to call method 'GetCharacterID' (a nil value)" addon =
{ name = "DataStore_Mails" CharacterTables =
{ } ThisCharID = 1 } guildMailRecipientKey = "Default.Aegwynn.Niyuni" allCharacters =
{ 1 =
{ } }

GovtGeek commented 1 month ago

This is technically a DataStore_Mails issue. There is a fix in the Altoholic Discord. It's in the cata-classic-bugs channel.