That-Guy-Jack / HP-ILO-Fan-Control

Uses a Custom ROM for The Hp ILO adapter
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Rewrite #16

Closed TannerFilip closed 2 years ago

TannerFilip commented 2 years ago had some errors (the first couple lines were part of nano, and it was failing at one of the else statements), so I ended up rewriting the whole script. It does a few things differently:

  1. Prompts for iLO creds and automatically puts them in the file
  2. Puts the files in ~ to begin with, and then moves them to the appropriate places. This is probably not necessary, but it feels a little safer than doing it in /
  3. Instead of asking for the server type and then if it's ESXi, it just gives four options. This was mostly to reduce the number of nested if statements.
  4. Colors, because why not?

I believe it does everything that the original one did, but let me know if I missed anything and I can add it!

That-Guy-Jack commented 2 years ago

Holy Dude, thanks for re writing it didn't realise the changes i made broke things whoops