That-Guy-Jack / HP-ILO-Fan-Control

Uses a Custom ROM for The Hp ILO adapter
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How to validate fans #7

Closed softwareuser99 closed 2 years ago

softwareuser99 commented 2 years ago

Hi there, thanks for this amazing piece of software! I use a G9 and it seems to work fine. However I do have a question which may seem dumb, however I just want to check I get this right:

Sorry, just getting started with this whole fan control piece. I assume the fan groupings being 0-5 are represented below with the 0-1-2 and 3-4-5.

Appreciate just a little bit more clarity! Cheers!

PS: I edited the below MAX to 160 to avoid the fans going off on full blast..

`echo "===============" echo "CPU 2 Temp $T2 C" echo "==============="

if [[ $T2 > 67 ]] then sshpass -p $PASSWORD ssh $USERNAME@$ILOIP 'fan p 0 max 160' sshpass -p $PASSWORD ssh $USERNAME@$ILOIP 'fan p 1 max 160' sshpass -p $PASSWORD ssh $USERNAME@$ILOIP 'fan p 2 max 160'

elif [[ $T2 > 58 ]] then sshpass -p $PASSWORD ssh $USERNAME@$ILOIP 'fan p 0 max 39' sshpass -p $PASSWORD ssh $USERNAME@$ILOIP 'fan p 1 max 39' sshpass -p $PASSWORD ssh $USERNAME@$ILOIP 'fan p 2 max 39' elif [[ $T2 > 54 ]] then `

That-Guy-Jack commented 2 years ago

Hi, the $T2 > xx is the cpu temp in C of each CPU, (T1 is cpu 1 T2 is CPU 2) Based off of the CPU temp in each half of the server depends on the speed of the fans (e.g if cpu 2 is under load the 3 fans (Fans 0 1 and 2) next to CPU 2 will Ramp up to combat the extra heat)

The fans are counted from 0 - 5 with 0 in the script being Fan 1 in the ILO and in the chassis itself

Feel free to ask more questions if i made no sense there lol

softwareuser99 commented 2 years ago

Thanks, that all makes sense. I am however getting a reading on zone 0 and zone 1 going up to 78 degrees C. I’ll need to tweak the fan levels I guess as I could imagine those zones being areas like the psu or pci slot bays…

Would it make sense to include these other thermal sensors as well in the evaluation to ramp up the fans?

thanks again, appreciate the patience!

softwareuser99 commented 2 years ago

Turns out the issue was the SSH connection as the script didn't output any errors that it wasn't able to connect (again the issue with the old encryption algo. Once I added the exception to the ssh server config, everything worked like a charm!