ThatGuySam / doesitarm

🦾 A list of reported app support for Apple Silicon as well as Apple M4 and M3 Ultra Macs
3.75k stars 203 forks source link

Family Tree Maker 2019 #428

Open djkcomp60 opened 3 years ago

djkcomp60 commented 3 years ago

Replace the text inside the {}'s with your own.

For a great example issue check out

The official name of the app {What's the full official name of the app}

Is there a supported version available on a stable release channel? {Yes/No}

Proposed New App Status {What's the current app status based off of current discussion or testing You can check the different statused here:}

Related Issue Tracker Link or discussion {This can be an Issue from a public repo related to the app (Github, Bitbucket, Gitlab, etc...) or a public discussion forum of some kind. Basically, some kind of resources that can be checked for status changes.}

An Official App Download Page {This is so that when the App is ready for Apple SIlicon users can quickly download the app from an official site.}

Additional context {Add any other context or screenshots about the app request here.}

Full Screenshot with the App and Activity Monitor(if self reporting) or Silicon Info {As screenshot with Activity Monitor open showing the App's architecture type}

ThatGuySam commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the App Request!

The next step is to collect the missing info.

I'm currently working on getting to all the requests, however, if you'd like help push things along feel free to add what's missing as you find it.

You can reference what all it needs here: App Request Template