ThatGuySam / doesitarm

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Dante Virtual Soundcard is Apple Silicon Native #918

Closed neilph closed 1 year ago

neilph commented 2 years ago

Replace each second line your own text.

The official name of the app Dante Virtual Soundcard

Is there a supported version available on a stable release channel? Yes

Proposed New App Status Yes, Native Apple Silicon Support

Related Issue Tracker Links or discussion

An Official App Download Page

Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the app request here.

Full Screenshot with the App and Activity Monitor(if self reporting) or Silicon Info MicrosoftTeams-image (15)

ThatGuySam commented 2 years ago

@neilph Thanks for the update!

Feel free to make a pull request using the App Addition Template otherwise I'll add it when time permits.

arnvid commented 2 years ago

There is a bug in the installer which makes it "require" Rosetta to be installed.. A simple edit of the pkg file allows for native M1 install w/o Rosetta.

ThatGuySam commented 1 year ago

@arnvid What's the edit?

ThatGuySam commented 1 year ago

@neilph Update is now live on the site!

Feel free to comment on this issue for any future updates.

Until then, you're welcome to browse through the other M1 Issues to help with missing info on other apps.

arnvid commented 1 year ago

@arnvid What's the edit? @ThatGuySam - the fix that was done and communicated to Audinate for v4.2.3.1 was as following:

  1. Unpack the pkg - pkgutil --expand DanteVirtualSoundcard.pkg dvs-expand/
  1. Patch the Distribution file

    diff -bpruN dvs-expand/Distribution dvs-expand-fix/Distribution
    --- dvs-expand/Distribution    2022-03-16 13:35:33.000000000 +0100
    +++ dvs-expand-fix/Distribution    2022-09-08 14:16:34.000000000 +0200
    @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
    <?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8"?>
    <installer-gui-script authoringTool=“Packages” authoringToolVersion=“1.2.9" authoringToolBuild=“603” minSpecVersion=“1.0">
    +    <options customize=“never” require-scripts=“false” hostArchitectures=“arm64”/>
     <options rootVolumeOnly=“true” customize=“never”/>
     <volume-check script=“volume_check()“/>
  2. Repack the pkg pkgutil --flatten dvs-expand-fix/ DanteVirtualSoundcard-fixed.pkg

  3. Install

This was done after Audinate Customer Support explained that they had missed a switch when building the installer.

ThatGuySam commented 1 year ago

@arnvid Gracias! 🙏

People from all over reference the site and this repo so I just wanted to leave some breadcrumbs for anyone using Dante on Apple SiIicon, from an Audio Engineer who's been stuck on this problem for 8 hours to a Touring Engineer who needs this fix because they're going live to an audience of 10k in 30 minutes.

For those not familiar, the mentioned commands are done in Terminal on macOS.

pkg - pkgutil --expand DanteVirtualSoundcard.pkg dvs-expand/
diff -bpruN dvs-expand/Distribution dvs-expand-fix/Distribution
pkg pkgutil --flatten dvs-expand-fix/ DanteVirtualSoundcard-fixed.pkg