ThatcherC / ReplGPT.jl

A ChatGPT mode for the Julia REPL
MIT License
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Commands #17

Open diegozea opened 1 year ago

diegozea commented 1 year ago


Thanks a lot for this package. I think it would be great to add commands into this REPL mode. I would suggest using the commands I am using in the following Python script:


#!/usr/bin/env python3
import openai
import pyperclip
import os
import platform

# Function to return a string in bold
def bold(string):
    return f"\033[1m{string}\033[0m"

# Function to return a string in italics
def italic(string):
    return f"\033[3m{string}\033[0m"

# Function to centre the text in the terminal window
def centre(string):
    # Get the width of the terminal window
    width = os.get_terminal_size().columns

    # If the string is longer than the width of the terminal window, return the string as is
    if len(string) >= width:
        return string

    # Calculate the number of spaces to add to the left and right of the string
    padding = (width - len(string)) // 2

    # Return the string with the calculated padding on either side
    return " " * padding + string

user_prompt = bold('You:') + '\n'
ai_prompt = bold('AI assistant:') + '\n'

# Set up OpenAI API key
with open("/home/diego/.llave") as fh:
    api_key = fh.readline().strip()
openai.api_key = api_key

# Function to send a message to the OpenAI chatbot model and return its response
def send_message(message_log):
    # Use OpenAI's ChatCompletion API to get the chatbot's response
    response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
        "gpt-3.5-turbo-0301",  # The name of the OpenAI chatbot model to use
        message_log,  # The conversation history up to this point, as a list of dictionaries
        None,  # The stopping sequence for the generated response, if any (not used here)
        0.7,  # The "creativity" of the generated response (higher temperature = more creative)

    # Find the first response from the chatbot that has text in it (some responses may not have text)
    for choice in response.choices:
        if "text" in choice:
            return choice.text

    # If no response with text is found, return the first response's content (which may be empty)
    return response.choices[0].message.content

# If the user types "quit", end the loop and print a goodbye message
def quit_check(user_input):
    if user_input in ["q", "quit"]:
        return True
    return False

# Create a markdown string from the conversation history
def create_markdown(message_log):
    markdown = ""
    for message in message_log:
        if message["role"] != "system":
            if message["role"] == "user":
                markdown += f"You\n---\n\n"
            elif message["role"] == "assistant":
                markdown += f"ChatGPT\n-------\n\n"       
            markdown += f"{message['content']}\n\n"
    return markdown

def interaction(message_log, memory):
    user_input = multi_input(f"{user_prompt} ")
    if not user_input:
        return True

    if quit_check(user_input):
        return False

    if user_input in ["m", "memory"]:
        memory = not memory
        if memory:
            print(italic("( memory enabled )\n"))
            print(italic("( memory disabled )\n"))
        return True

    if not memory or user_input in ["d", "delete"]:
        return True

    if user_input in ["c", "copy"]:
        markdown = create_markdown(message_log)
        print(italic("( markdown copied to clipboard )\n"))
        return True

    if user_input in ["l", "last", "copy last"]:
        markdown = [message_log[-1]]
        print(italic("( last response copied to clipboard )\n"))
        return True

    if user_input.startswith("save ") or user_input.startswith("s "):
        if user_input.startswith("save "):
            user_input = user_input.replace("save ", "s ")
        filename = user_input[2:].strip()
        if not filename.endswith(".md"):
            filename += ".md"
        basename = filename.replace(".md", "")
        markdown = f"{basename}\n{'=' * len(basename)}\n\n"
        markdown += create_markdown(message_log)
        filename = filename.replace(" ", "_")
        with open(filename, 'w') as fh:
        print(italic(f"( markdown saved to {filename} )\n"))
        return True

    if user_input in ["r", "regenerate"]:
        # delete the last message from the log
        message_log.append({"role": "user", "content": user_input})

    # Send the conversation history to the chatbot and get its response
    response = send_message(message_log)

    # Add the chatbot's response to the conversation history and print it to the console
    message_log.append({"role": "assistant", "content": response})

    return True

# Function to replace input that accept multiple lines (ending with two blank
# lines instead of enter)
def multi_input(prompt, n_lines=1):
    lines = []
    continue_prompt = True
    empty_lines = 0
    while continue_prompt:
        line = input('')
        if line:
            empty_lines += 1
            if empty_lines == n_lines and lines:
                continue_prompt = False
    return ''.join(lines)

def show_header():
    print(f'Type {bold("m")} or {bold("memory")} to toggle memory (enabled by default).')
    print(f'Type {bold("r")} or {bold("regenerate")} to regenerate the last response.')
    print(f'Type {bold("d")} or {bold("delete")} to delete the history.')
    print(f'Type {bold("c")} or {bold("copy")} to copy the conversation history.')
    print(f'Type {bold("l")} or {bold("last")} or {bold("copy last")} to copy the last response.')
    print(f'Type {bold("s")} or {bold("save")} {italic("<>")} to save the conversation.')
    print(f'Type {bold("q")} or {bold("quit")} to exit.')
    print(f'Type enter two times to send the message.')

def initialize_conversation():
    return [{
        "role": "system",
        "content": "You are a helpful assistant."

# Main function that runs the chatbot
def main():

    # Initialize the conversation history with a message from the chatbot
    message_log = initialize_conversation()

    memory = True

    keep_running = True

    # Start a loop that runs until the user types "quit" or "q"
    while keep_running:
        keep_running = interaction(message_log, memory)

# Call the main function if this file is executed directly (not imported as a module)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diegozea commented 1 year ago

FedeClaudi commented 1 year ago

@diegozea I missed your comment in

I think having these commands would be very useful indeed! Term.jl could be used to print out a nicely styled header message when the REPL mode is activated outlining the instructions 😁