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[1.12.2] Items do not generate, only ores and blocks #70

Closed MasterBuilder747 closed 5 years ago

MasterBuilder747 commented 6 years ago

Yes, I am using the snapshot version, 85, but this has been happening with the other versions as well. also using contenttweaker snapshot 54, crafttweaker and mt lib versions 4.0.8, and 3.0.1, respectivly

I am that guy who had that popular reddit post about ur mod recently, I love it so much, I must have broken it by adding too many materials. I have only seen up to 31 placeholder blocks registered into the system. Weirdly enough, though, the items actually appear when crafting things, so it must have worked, its just not in jei.

here's my script, i even replaced my code and literally hardcoded everything back into the example script and had the same issue:

log: latest.log

Could you tell me whats going on here? Is this a glitch, or is this intentional in case too many items are added, and its a jei thing?

kindlich commented 6 years ago

Try using the Part type instead of the parts' names:

Example (You need to import Materialsystem.getPart for this to work) val allParts = [ getPart("Ingot"), getPart("Beam"), getPart("Gear"), getPart("Bolt"), getPart("Dust"), getPart("Nugget"), getPart("Rod"), getPart("Plate"), getPart("dense_plate"), getPart("Crystal"), getPart("Casing")] as Part[];
SkySom commented 6 years ago

Kindlich that wouldn't make a difference. ALl that I've looked into just shows that the System doesn't handle that many parts well I'm still looking into it to try and find the best answer.

One thing i will suggest, perhaps not all those blocks need all those ores? That should reduce some strain on the system itself. Right now you've got nine ores per Material (Some of which are alloys?)

SkySom commented 6 years ago

Wrong button...

MasterBuilder747 commented 6 years ago


MasterBuilder747 commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I did try that, but the mod apparently does not allow me to register different material listings per array of materials, I basically can't create another partlist variable otherwise items don't generate

SkySom commented 6 years ago

Can you show the script that you used when doing that specifically? May just be a syntax issue?

MasterBuilder747 commented 6 years ago

It might be, ill show it to you later today when I get back

MasterBuilder747 commented 6 years ago

This script should explain what I want to do in detail, currently it seems to generate everything for every part I want, but that should not be the case as I created different variables for each metal list and called in each appropriate for statement, as well as using a different counter variable for each one (i, j, k). JEI still only shows the blocks, but I notice that blocks can indeed be compacted into its plate type using the thermal expansion compactor into their plate type, which means that items DO get generated, its just not shown in JEI:

EDIT: also, to add, for some reason during world loadup, I got a chat message saying that only all of the items (not the blocks) from the new materials (phase 3) were "already registered" when I already deleted the jsons that stored the data from the previous test i did

EDIT 2: I just realized that I had another script running. Now that I delete it, nothing seems to get generated :(

MasterBuilder747 commented 6 years ago

nvm it works, i used the original script from above, the one I put before this comment doesnt even work, idk why, the only issue now is jei only shows the blocks that the mods adds, not the items as well. So i might just report this issue over to them instead. I mean, you can try to see what the issue is, but honestly, I think we're done here.

MasterBuilder747 commented 6 years ago

2017-10-26_00 19 53

here is an example of red steel for instance: jei will only show blocks, where the creative menu will show everything (but in this pic this is wrong, when searching for some reason the ores and blocks dont show up, but they ARE there, this must be part of the JEI bug)

MasterBuilder747 commented 6 years ago

however, I would like you to tell me what I should do about this issue. Because im pretty sure mezz is pretty busy with his mod, and might get mad if i post there, so i would like some feedback at what you think i should do, thanks

SkySom commented 6 years ago

I ummm what. That's even more confusing. I'm pretty sure especially if it isn't showing in creative I've done something wrong.

MasterBuilder747 commented 6 years ago

Let me clarify: Basically this is the old script that I used again, and I figured that I should test it again, and I found out that yes indeed everything does get registered for every material like I want. Every vanilla, modded metal, modded alloy, and new alloys that I create all have ores, blocks and all of the material item types generated for each. It is all in the creative tab when I scroll through it as well as the json in the saved folder. The only bug here is that jei does not display any of the ITEMS generated by the mod, even though they clearly are registered in the creative tab.

SkySom commented 6 years ago

Oh it doesn't show in search? Then yeah I can fix that. Also does the items show up if you search for @contenttweaker

MasterBuilder747 commented 6 years ago

No they don't, I did just that and the items do not show up

IcedReaper commented 6 years ago

Earlier today I was searching for the Material example scripts, but couldn't find them so I tried your scripts found here. I have the same issue and tried to figure out what the problem could be.

I had 41 Materials listed and the items weren't showing. I tried to get it working by reducing the Material count. When I had 37 Materials listed it worked and the items were shown. After adding a 38th Material all items weren't shown again. The game output log doesn't show any error.

I reduce the parts (removed nuggets from the list) and it worked with all 41 Materials. So I think it could be some sort of Item ID problem.

I hope this helps trying to pin the problem down.

Script on Pastebin

In my test instance I had the following mods installed: B.A.S.E. ContentTweaker CraftTweaker JEI 1.12.2-

MasterBuilder747 commented 6 years ago

Woah, you have a lot of metal list variables, I only used one for everything and it worked just fine....but yeah the items still isn't display if u do this, but they are registered in the creative tab

SkySom commented 6 years ago

Well that at least seems to confirm my idea. I can fix that. Will get a bug fix released this weekend.

FreneticScribbler commented 5 years ago

Presumed fixed! Seems to work fine for me at least...