The-Authenticators / gitpom

A pomodoro timer which integrates with github issues for mad efficiency and cool stuff.
MIT License
7 stars 4 forks source link

Great Work! Did you Deploy it Somewhere we can try it? #86

Open nelsonic opened 7 years ago

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

Hi Team! Sorry I delayed giving feedback on this... ⌛️ Love what you've done here. 😍

Three Questions:

  1. Did you deploy it somewhere I can try it? (e.g. Heroku or AWS?) :shipit:
  2. Are you planning on expanding the readme and making it an example project for F&C10 "Hapi Week": ? (or would you accept a PR from lil ol me ...?)
  3. (last-but-not-least) Would any of you be interested working on this as a paid project with mentoring? Highlights:

Seriously tho, think about it. If you're interested taking this to the #NextLevel then holla!

P.S. I could give more "constructive" feedback if you want a "list" of things to improve... 📝 But fairly certain y'all know more about this than I do by now and can spot the areas that need attention... 😉 let me know if you want an "in-depth" review... 🤔

P.P.S. in case you're wondering, the answer is yes, I have watched all of YouTube. 😜

Jwhiles commented 7 years ago

@nelsonic it's deployed here

@everyone I've set up a second OAuth app to handle this hosted version (the initial app was pointed at local host, and is worth keeping around for development purposes..).

@nelsonic this is a really interesting proposition, I think we would all be willing to at least help expand the readme for F&C10 :) - we'll get the team back together and discuss

emilyb7 commented 7 years ago

@nelsonic thanks for the positive feedback :)

I've had so many thoughts about GitPom and there are many new ideas I'd like to implement, but there just hasn't been the time. So thanks for providing a new incentive! I'd love to talk more about it.

stevehopkinson commented 7 years ago

@nelsonic I think @Jwhiles and @emilyb7 have covered points one and two, so to answer point three - yes, I'd absolutely be interested in working on this and developing it further! It definitely has the potential to be useful. When it was half built, I was using it to help build itself… #codeception

marisid commented 7 years ago

@nelsonic Many thanks for the positive feedback! Yes, let's have a chat about it at some point tomorrow if you can to discuss how/when/what to develop further :smile:

sohilpandya commented 7 years ago

@emilyb7 what's up with this? You still up for this?

emilyb7 commented 7 years ago

@sohilpandya glad you're interested :D

we were waiting for a meeting with @nelsonic but then things got busy...

@nelsonic if you're still up for this, @Jwhiles and I are going to be free and around FAC over the next two weeks. Do you think we could work something out?