PR to address #361 : Melee spilling over into a 5-1 split on role landing
Modified main.css due to partial layouts only having CSS class applied to them and no Tailwind on the elements directly (layouts/partials/homepage/role_slider both content.html and job.html)
Adjusted maximum number of icons in row to be 4 so that it is even and overflows nicely
Changed flex classes to have all items start in the top left rather than the middle since melee starts on the top with the second row
This will also help in the future when more jobs come in as it should handle 5th tank, healer, caster dps job in the future
PR to address #361 : Melee spilling over into a 5-1 split on role landing
due to partial layouts only having CSS class applied to them and no Tailwind on the elements directly (layouts/partials/homepage/role_slider
)New wrapping layout for melee DPS:
Display of how other job layout will look:
Tablet layout (should be unaffected):
Mobile layout (should be unaffected):