The-Charge / SteamBot2017

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disable climb command until end game #50

Closed abcurrie closed 7 years ago

abcurrie commented 7 years ago

Have to figure out how to test in development and implement in a real game

abcurrie commented 7 years ago

Here is some documentation on the Timer object


Return the approximate match time The FMS does not currently send the official match time to the robots This returns the time since the enable signal sent from the Driver Station At the beginning of autonomous, the time is reset to 0.0 seconds At the beginning of teleop, the time is reset to +15.0 seconds If the robot is disabled, this returns 0.0 seconds Warning: This is not an official time (so it cannot be used to argue with referees).

We'll need to find what instance of the Timer is being used to obtain this value

abcurrie commented 7 years ago

another option

public class WaitUntilCommand extends Command WaitUntilCommand - waits until an absolute game time. This will wait until the game clock reaches some value, then continue to the next command.