The-Charge / SulfuricAcid2020

Repository for Infinite Recharge 2020 Season using the updated WPI libraries
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Code Review March 5th #5

Open Shalmezad opened 4 years ago

Shalmezad commented 4 years ago

Did a quick once over. Everything's in branch code_review_2020_03_05. You'll want to install the TODO Tree extension by gruntfuggly if you haven't already as it'll help you find the FIXME's faster.

Here are the major items I found. I would strongly encourage you to share these with the rest of the programming team to help avoid them cropping up again.

There's still things I need to check, so leaving this issue as IN PROGRESS for now. Once I'm done, will remove it from the title and assign accordingly.

Shalmezad commented 4 years ago

Alright, that's probably as far as I'm going to get in the code review.

Keep in mind, that in the process of handling these that you may break the code, so would limit what you do at/during competition. The only ones I'd advise doing as soon as possible are:

Shalmezad commented 4 years ago


There's a lot there (136 based on a quick count). You will burn out if you do. Would strongly recommend:

  1. Read all my comments above
  2. Merge the branch in
  3. Take care of the immediate items in my second comment.
  4. Get through competition
  5. After competition, review the items in my first comment with the programming team
  6. Divide up the work. A lot of it's simple cleanup and can be handled by anybody. Some of the items will require a bit more thought.
Shalmezad commented 4 years ago

One last thing: Once done with the fixes, put an issue in my name to do another code review so I can go over the fixes. There's a good chance there are things I missed in this review that will be easier to catch once the codebase is cleaned up.