The-Code-Collective / chintran

Better than Ello
2 stars 1 forks source link

Obvious features (if it's focused at developers) #6

Open stevesydney opened 9 years ago

stevesydney commented 9 years ago
jackbrown commented 9 years ago

make it entirely CLI based? everything could be a command based either in the browser or it could be accessible entirely from the terminal?

create post --title i am having chicken for lunch list posts --range today 001 20141001 9:00:00 adamlust "hello world" 002 20141001 9:00:00 jackbrown "it is sunny" 003 20141001 9:00:00 jackbrown "I am having lunch today"

comment --postid 001 --text "hello adam"

jamiehayman commented 9 years ago

^ lol best idea ever :dancers:

Command line social network... hahah

etoxin commented 9 years ago

chintran post "Something something." chrintran checkout java-group chrintran follow @someUser chrintran get updates

I wonder if you could hinge this on a fork of Git.

Also this is very similar to IRC.

stevesydney commented 9 years ago

I think the status update / programmable interface would make a good starting point. Something we can interact with to see what makes sense and what is fun. I'd like to see what we can do to make it more open to non-programmers too. Simple functionality with advanced capabilities.