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Create a Node.js web server with Express Framework #3

Closed jesse-crypted closed 2 years ago

jesse-crypted commented 2 years ago

Writing sample(s): Hosted on the dev community

Proposed title of the article: Create a Node.js web server with Express Framework

Proposed article introduction: Node.js is a javascript framework that allows us to run javascript outside the browser, it is a javascript runtime built on chrome v8 engine. Skipping the not-so-boring stuff we will be trying our hands at building a simple web server using a popular javascript framework called 'Express'. Express is a framework that gives node.js superpowers because of its amazing feature.

Key takeaways:

References: Express documentation

Favour-dgreat commented 2 years ago

Great. You can go ahead with this article. I will be here if you need my help at any time. Kindly look at the article example provided in the contents/articles directory.