Open Soumya1219 opened 1 year ago
@khusheekapoor Kindly look into this and assign me with this issue. I want to develop the model and want to try different approaches and explore more in deep learning.
@Soumya1219 - you can go ahead! We are assigning you 21 days for this project, after which it will be assigned to someone else if not completed. All the best! Name the file as: algorithm_dataset.ipynb
and link it in the readme of the labeled directory as algorithm - dataset
hi I want to work on this issue
💥 Proposal
I am an open source GSSOC contributor. I am from Machine Learning and Data Science background.
I want to build a LSTM model using Keras on Sentiment Classification on IMDB Reviews. I will develop model using different activation functions and optimizers like binary cross entropy and by using dense and lstm layers.
Dataset :
Kindly assign me with this issue :)