The-Data-Alchemists-Manipal / MindWave

MindWave is an open-source project designed for beginners to learn about data science, machine learning, deep learning, and reinforcement learning algorithms using Python. The project offers a platform for implementing relevant algorithms, with open-source tools and libraries.
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[GSSOC'23] :Colorful Tic Tac Toe Game with GUI using tkinter #557 #593

Closed Sanskriti1102 closed 12 months ago

Sanskriti1102 commented 1 year ago


  1. GUI Development: The code utilizes Tkinter for creating a graphical interface.
  2. Functions: Defined functions for specific tasks and functionality.
  3. Lists: Used lists to represent the game board.
  4. Conditionals: Utilized conditional statements for checking conditions and performing different actions.
  5. Loops: Used loops for iterating over elements and performing repetitive tasks.
  6. Randomization: Employed the random module for random player selection.
  7. Dictionaries: Used dictionaries for mapping player names, markers, and colors.
  8. Event Handling: Handled button click events with defined functions.
  9. Styling and Configuration: Applied configurations for buttons, labels, and the window.
  10. Layout Management: Organized GUI elements using grid layout management.
  11. Event Binding: Bound events like mouse enter and leave to specific actions.
  12. User Input and Interaction: Enabled user interaction through button clicks and game restart.


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