The-Data-Alchemists-Manipal / MindWave

MindWave is an open-source project designed for beginners to learn about data science, machine learning, deep learning, and reinforcement learning algorithms using Python. The project offers a platform for implementing relevant algorithms, with open-source tools and libraries.
MIT License
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Real Estate Price Prediction in Metro Cities #764

Closed ArunMaramraj closed 10 months ago

ArunMaramraj commented 11 months ago

Why is the project needed?

New employees that have migrated to metro cities in search for jobs find it difficult to navigate thorugh prices of properties around them. It is a painful and time-taking process. It would be good if they get to know prices in a region just by entering the name of locality and their requirements


Build a machine learning model to accurately identify the prices when a locality is given as parameter

The model will feature :

  1. Data load and cleaning
  2. Outlier detection and removal
  3. Feature engineering
  4. Dimensionality reduction
  5. Gridsearchcv for hyperparameter tunning
  6. K fold cross validation

I'd like to use the data mentioned here :

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