The-Data-Alchemists-Manipal / MindWave

MindWave is an open-source project designed for beginners to learn about data science, machine learning, deep learning, and reinforcement learning algorithms using Python. The project offers a platform for implementing relevant algorithms, with open-source tools and libraries.
MIT License
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MOM creator extension for GMEET #90

Open samarthjain422005 opened 1 year ago

samarthjain422005 commented 1 year ago

💥 Proposal

This project involves recording transcripts from google meets and then generate the MOM of the meeting , in order to make it easier for the users to comprehend the outcomes of the meeting. It uses NLP and other machine learning algorithms to generate the MOMs of the meetings.

khusheekapoor commented 1 year ago

@samarthjain422005 - you can go ahead! We are assigning you 21 days for this project, after which it will be assigned to someone else if not completed. All the best! Name the file as: Project and link it in the readme of the labeled directory as Project.

samarthjain422005 commented 1 year ago

@khusheekapoor hi ,since the project deadline is short and the tech stack required is big , so can i have 2 of my friends (who are also gssoc 23 contributors) as co-contributors for the project??? it would be of great help

khusheekapoor commented 1 year ago

@samarthjain422005 - sure! Please ask them to leave a comment in this thread and I will assign them the issue too. Then you can break down the submission into three PRs and submit them individually.

samarthjain422005 commented 1 year ago

@khusheekapoor have completed the summarizer(mom generator) part of the project but am facing difficulties in converting it into an extension as well as recording transcripts from gmeet i think it would require more time and i have my semester exams round the corner hence request you to kindly extend the deadline to atleast 28 june????? also i needed your help with the project , can you please provide me with any channel with which i can get in touch with you regarding the doubts of the project...

khusheekapoor commented 1 year ago

@khusheekapoor have completed the summarizer(mom generator) part of the project but am facing difficulties in converting it into an extension as well as recording transcripts from gmeet i think it would require more time and i have my semester exams round the corner hence request you to kindly extend the deadline to atleast 28 june????? also i needed your help with the project , can you please provide me with any channel with which i can get in touch with you regarding the doubts of the project...

Sure! Deadline is extended. You can connect with me on LinkedIn. However, even I have my endsem exams right now, and won't be able to put in much time.