The-Fireplace-Minecraft-Mods / In-Game-Account-Switcher

This mod allows you to change your logged in account in-game, without restarting Minecraft.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
78 stars 31 forks source link

Add offset options for X and Y, for both Title and Servers buttons relative to default button position, not just scaling #160

Open TheJoshue opened 1 month ago

TheJoshue commented 1 month ago

Hello there While using your mod, i also am using Multiple Server Lists, which has an option for each added server to multiplayer list, to move it to next LIST of servers (for better organizing), so you have arrows to left and right side of each added server

The problem is that these arrows are accessible even when clicked anywhere on the screen even though there is border for bottom navigation bar for adding server and editing etc... they are CLICKABLE, just like every other thing in vanilla mc multiplayer list - this is not issue from this mod, this is issue in MC itself, but this time we can also click those arrows by accident image

The issue i am facing is that the button for InGame account switched mod is very close to these "background" arrows that appear when you hover over any added server (even if they are behind the bottom fixed navigation bar of multiplayer list) image

I tried using scaling feature with %width% and %height% placeholders and using formulas such as *0.2 also /2. tested a lot of formulas and i concluded that it is impossible to have button fixed at same position even if we use the formulas

So i wanted to ask you if you could please add offsetX and offsetY fields for both title screen and servers screen, to specify in pixels (which can be negative or positive) relative to default position of these buttons.

i would be really grateful if you did this, thank you so much in advance and i hope you understand this! :)