The-Fireplace-Minecraft-Mods / Overlord

A Minecraft mod that allows raising and commanding an army of skeletons
Mozilla Public License 2.0
17 stars 11 forks source link

Fireplacelib causes server to crash #239

Closed OMG67 closed 1 year ago

OMG67 commented 1 year ago


Reported the crash to the dev of one of the three mods crashing, they said it was this mod causing the crash, and when I removed AnnotatedDI, Fireplacelib and Overlord it started correctly.

It caused the Lore Book mod and the Epic Fight mod to crash, in case that is relevant.

Running on Java (Oracle Corporation) Magma version 1.18.2-cd9baa38 Bukkit version v1_18_R2 Forge version 1.18.2-40.1.80-cd9baa3