The-Frozen-North / tfn-module

A persistent world set around Neverwinter and the Wailing Death, with content from HotU and NWN2
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Rough: Event System Ideas #371

Open SeanMJOBrien opened 3 years ago

SeanMJOBrien commented 3 years ago

Area Locals to trigger/halt behavior? (Commoners check locals for area on heartbeat? I.E.; NPCs run for safety. Spawners start the scenario when X. Spawners stop churning out fodder after Y. NPCs arrive to assist or do their scene on Z, etc. Trigger movement of all PCs (move to new area, teleport to new scene, etc)

We spoke about using area locals to dictate some behavior, so we can signal all random commoners to flee for the nearest door or otherwise clear out of our way for the Event location, stop a spawner from cranking out minions (2 hp fodder), dismiss Neverwinter Knights (heh) to take their posts or return to the stables or whatever, or trigger the next phase of the Event. Or halt it to allow for a brief rest period or exposition from key NPCs (scripted dialog spoke to the players, or by DM role playing.

Some of these actions would cause general behavior, say the DM notices that the PCs are in trouble, maybe there is a fail-safe to trigger a retreat, or cause X guards to arrive. This could just be part of the Event, and the DM has discretion on when and/or how the next phase goes. This is all to allow the construction of entire Events that can be triggered by players, or allow the DM to more easily orchestrate NPC activities. Especially groups of creatures, which are hard as hell to manage during a big melee.

Thoughts: Also, there is currently a lack of areas for new scenarios, while we don’t have a lot of space for new stuff, maybe we can check if the player has completed a mission, and spawn in a new scenario. If a PC wanders in, they can be informed of the scenario and partake.

So I, as someone who's done all the Tomb stuff, might trigger a random new event by entering the Tombs. Or DM's can trigger one for everyone.(edited)

Could even have PCs default to being flagged for Events they can be sucked into, or manually disabled for those just getting some shopping in during their lunch break.

Say, a dialog pops up saying, "You become aware of a growing level of crowd noise coming from the direction of Beggar's Nest. Do you respond?" y/n, yes teleports them to a special area, or just the right existing area to partake in the Event.

Yes, in effect: "You rush to the scene to see what is going on"

IF an Event is under way, maybe pop up the dialog. If you accidentally dismiss the dialog you can use your book to see what's going on.

Qlippoth — Today at 3:23 PM I've been talking to POK about the concept of PCs NOT needing to lead the charge, or the only characters representing "our" side in an Events (capitalized as a succinct concept). Events don't always need enough PCs to fill out one side. There are numerous Neverwinter Guards (if the event is inside the walls), Militia, Mercenaries, Heroes (Aribeth herself and plenty of others), etc to fill one side of an event. Heck, as "recruits", we could be supporting the big name NPCs, shoring up the general troops, etc. No PC starts out as a hero, nor should the PC always be in control. The point of heroes is to, somehow through heroic actions, GAIN control in some way of the situation to prevail.

pok — Today at 3:24 PM That sounds really cool! Maybe one of the events could be the party leading a huge group of Neverwinter soldiers and maybe Fenthick himself to take on Helms Hold As there currently isn't a quest for Helms Hold, it could be a good fit for a dm event with rewards

Qlippoth — Today at 3:25 PM The question is how to create a challenge, some fair level of contention between two forces to allow the PCs to give the advantage. A slog? Dangerous? Maybe, but that's why we're in Neverwinter, right?

pok — Today at 3:25 PM Helms Hold is pretty dangerous right now :yum: We couldn't clear it with a party of 3 with a lot of henchman Qlip, if you wanted to be a DM you are welcome to as well. As well as as anyone with DM experience!

Qlippoth — Today at 3:27 PM Events could be small, like I said: A small group of monsters scales the walls somehow and is looting, they must be stopped (Minor). Or they could be something prebuilt and tested that is a full-scale assault on Helms Hold. In my examples, Events would be scripted. They obviously can be DM controlled as well. Bu tI'd like to see random events that trigger near the PC.

pok — Today at 3:28 PM I would like to add in more varied random events too

Qlippoth — Today at 3:29 PM They could simply involve the PC witnessing the monsters, in this case, and supporting the guards with buffs and healing if they aren't bruisers. The script generates the group and behavior, and the guards responding. the PCs might do most of the killing, since some are more powerful than guardsmen

pok — Today at 3:29 PM A large scale event would also be cool, that happens randomly

Qlippoth — Today at 3:31 PM I can't recall the PW, I think it was (old) Thain? I'm probably misremembering. They had an actual schedule for stuff, like 2pm saturdays, (shout): "PIRATES HAVE BEACHED ON THE NORTH SHORE! PREPARE TO REPEL RAIDERS!" Either scheduled or if enough PCs were present the DM would RP gather PCs and trigger the event. I also recall a dragon attack. I got breathed on and was immediately dead and out of the event. They can be prototyped and tested, and run repeatedly if wanted. I was hoping to make a system to easily allow these things to be built. Im' usually prototyping in NPC Activities, or another combat module (GvE3 or Castle Defense 2 which I host and tinker with). IF the scripts aren't too complicated and intertwined, or we can make our own, then I was going to release it on the vault, because I like playing those types of setups.

pok — Today at 3:35 PM I have a system that allows you to add random events easily. I can probably tweak it some more to make it user friendly to other modders

Qlippoth — Today at 3:37 PM It's a question of driving creatures to take particular actions. For the first example of goblin looters: Run here, break this, only fight if attacked (which they will), don't respond to shouts (they are uncoordinated), get in and out like the looter you are. Other topic, quests outside of Neverwinter could also be done. Aribeth: "Everything is chaos. We are doing our best just to hold on with the Wailing Death, but matters have come to a head in X that must be cut off before disaster strikes Neverwinter itself. You will secretly board a boat waiting at Y as soon as you are ready, there you will...  a ship awaits you to take you to..." Could even expand the territory for recovering the waterdhavian creatures, etc. I know you want to stick close to the OC, but that doesn't mean we can't build on it in ways that retain the thematic weave of the story. Which I think you've already done, I'm just still 3rd level and still squishy.

Qlippoth Events: So we did a quick run-through, Tiny will post his thoughts later. NPCs hanging around cause the enemies to give chase, all over the area. They should probably run for the nearest doorway and vanish. (If called for, you might leave them as-is for when minor threats break loose in the city)

We spoke about using area locals to dictate some behavior (my idea with my very limited scripting knowledge, but they can check every heartbeat), so we can signal all random commoners to flee for the nearest door, stop a spawner from cranking out minions (1-2 HP fodder), dismiss Neverwinter Knights (heh, they are very cool BTW) to take their posts or return to the stables or whatever, or trigger the next phase of the Event. Or halt it to allow for a brief rest period or exposition from key NPCs (scripted dialog spoken or shouted to the players, or by DMs role playing). *Minions are to offer some minor threat but bulk out numbers for combat effect (combat economy, baby!) or thematic color, but easily taken down by an N/PCs around. You might use these groups to run for an objective and not necessarily fight until they reach it, this is to give the players a sense of the direction the Event might take, both geographically and thematically. Some of these actions would cause general behavior, say the DM notices that the PCs are in trouble, maybe there is a fail-safe to trigger a retreat, or cause X guards to arrive. This could just be part of the Event, and the DM has discretion on when and/or how the next phase goes. This is all to allow the construction of entire Events that can be triggered by players, or allow the DM to more easily orchestrate NPC activities. Especially groups of creatures, which are hard as hell to manage during a big melee. Is there a general ticket for the Event System on GH? Should we start a conversation on a new prototype/ideas? Then start a more formal Event System ticket as things solidify, where we can put notes, directions on use in-game and toolset, etc

Is there a general ticket for the Event System on GH? Should we start a conversation on a new prototype/ideas? Then start a more formal Event System ticket as things solidify, where we can put notes, directions on use in-game and toolset, etc.

I mentioned my demo using NPC Activities (by Deva Winblood and later various contributors). NPCA is to give NPCs behavior and ... activities... instead of just standing around. It is more for non-combat direction of AI creatures, and does not cover combat actions. It has flags for various AI scripts for creatures, so combat is controlled by those, and non-combat actions are clearly delineated. Events might need a bit of both. So you can simply set the flag for Japerre's AI scripts to be used and you got smarter foes. I only use those for mages or "smarter" creatures. NPCA would be for unique NPCs that have clear activities that are to be witnessed, not necessarily every random commoner, who is fine just wandering around.

If you run the module below, you can speak to any Dwarf you see and command them to report to various points in the area. The POST waypoints have behavior embedded in them. So as they reach each point they can be told to do a variety of things.

In my demo I'm attempting to illustrate the control of NPCs in various situations. "Hey, archer dude, go to the post to the side of the ramp and stand guard there.". Archer Dude uses a newer and not quite complete Pathways feature (whole other topic) to walk their way across the area to that POST and stand there until someone tells them otherwise or enemies appear that need killin'. When combat is over they go back to their POST and resume whatever they're told.

Pathways: If the POST you gave is across many tricky areas, this is where Pathways would really help. But I haven't been able to get it to work outside of one area. So while Pathway it can be used in every area, the creatures vTag kind of needs to be set to another in order to remap the new area. This should work throughout all areas in a module, but I might be assuming too much.

Here is the link: If it's not too heavy for use, maybe it can be extended, which would be a further boon for creators with limited scripting ability. If you have any questions let me know. See also "Acting Fenora" (referenced on my demo page), which is the module from which I gathered a sort-of NPCA 6.2 with Pathways and some fixes, it is a more comprehensive illustration of the various features of NPCA, where the whole village has scheduled activities throughout the day and night:

the_critical_process — 05/22/2021 ideas for encounters quests One idea:  While on one of the boats, for example from NW City to Highcliff, anything could happen.  For example the boat could be caught in a big storm which blow us out to sea or further down the coast, etc.  Another idea:  Whoever owns the zoo could be tired of us constantly disrupting their operation and in a clever way sends us each a special gift which turns out to be cursed by a powerful enchantment which is too strong for the "remove curse" spell, and we must team up and go on a quest to get the curse lifted.  Another idea:  The traveling merchant has found a powerful cursed item and seeks to hire the PCs to find the key to lifting the curse.  Another idea:  Where are all the bugbears coming in from?  Could we cut them down at the source so they don't bother our roads and lands anymore?  The hobgoblins have stepped forward as unlikely allies, because they are seemingly even more interested eliminating the bugbears.  They have given some information to the NW city gate captain about where the bugbears are coming from.  Is it in earnest, and a possible way to eliminate the bugbear threat?  Another idea:  Aribeth has some new information about a secret complex deep under the Temple of Helm which includes a secret passage that leads beyond the walls and out of the city.  It is suspected that they are using this passage to infiltrate Neverwinter City and spread the plague.  Aribeth sends us to find the passage, and collapse it.  The druid at the big tree who sells the one-use items that summon earth elementals donates one to us to use to collapse the tunnel. [2:10 AM] Another idea:  Rescue missions An important quest-giver NPC -- such as the halfling in the dock's district who gives the wererat bounty --  has been kidnapped by the Sword Coast Boys and Aribeth has received a ransom message.  We must rescue the kidnapped NPC, either from the sewers or from a base of operations outside the city somewhere.  Another idea:  The "adventurer" or "veteran adventurer" random henchman who often aids adventurers from Neverwinter has been seduced by the sirines and their queen, and must be rescued.  Another idea:  The "paladin" or "veteran paladin" random henchman who (occasionally...?) aids adventurers from Neverwinter has been imprisoned by Satara (the hag in the Neverwinter Wood cave) because she is beautiful, and must be rescued.  Another idea:  Daelen Redtiger has been slain by the ogre mage who lives in the broken tower near the road.  Fenthick says if we can bring his body back to the Hall of Justice he can raise Daelen.

b5635 commented 3 years ago

If anything, I think I would prefer if the events are consistent for players who have done the quest and players that have not. Same for some teleport thingy. I'd just prefer if things happen organically :P I'm sure we can make it something easy for people to stumble into!

As an example, I usually place event spawn points in places where players can come across it, such as roads or rooms leading to quests.

I'm not against the idea of some larger scale events, though. Maybe if the graveyard hasn't been recently cleared, there can be a periodic zombie invasion that occurs, which would actually make the guards work for their money!

In any case, feel free to add any events with the current event system. The current additions I made are a bit simple, but it should allow for complex ones to work as well such as a rescue event, just needs some elaborate scripting. Happy to assist with that as well :)

SeanMJOBrien commented 3 years ago

Stumbling is fine. How would we add a quest using stumbling with flavor text? “You hear a muffled scream in a doorway nearby.”

b5635 commented 3 years ago

I believe that is a good way. Perhaps some doors can be randomly chosen when an area is refreshed and a trigger is created near the door.