The-Frozen-North / tfn-module

A persistent world set around Neverwinter and the Wailing Death, with content from HotU and NWN2
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
31 stars 23 forks source link

Blackwolf Manor #803

Closed b5635 closed 10 months ago

b5635 commented 11 months ago

LB: Its a great quest, but the manor is bit of a slog. Few points on it: The enemy density is insane. Some inconsequential side room might have 10 enemies in it (see screenshot - the game even stopped trying to display the dead NPC names without overlapping) Its huge - 4 levels and three of them quite large. Layout / risk of backtracking - It just happened that I found all of the 3 levels before running into the area where they were actually needed. If I had not, I would have needed to backtrack, running after the levers

Suggestions: Reduce amount of enemies Move the lever locked doors in an obvious location on the main level, so you know what the levers are for Reduce amount of levels to 3, possibly reduce size of them (except maybe main level). This way there would not be so much backtracking, and the backtracking is distributed to smaller sections rather than one long path from upmost floor back to wherever

Pok: Thanks. Probably for the main entrance I can move the lever to more obvious place.

I can also shrink it, it's honestly kind of large.

I can look into reducing density. What would make it more interesting are unique, named bosses on each floor perhaps. Have to think about it from a reward and farming perspective