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Pitch Practice and Vote #4

Open Title-Pending opened 6 years ago

Title-Pending commented 6 years ago

Our first communication practice: Please post a pitch or a game from a Ludam Dare you like.

Vote: by Thumbs Up or Comment your 1 and 2

Here's my pitch

Plopsiskopsis commented 6 years ago

Well at first when i still was thinking about the Slaughter theme. A topdown game about former environmentalist turned organic slaughterer. Cause its not fun to shoot a cow in the face with a bolt gun. So you go and beat the animals with your bare hands. Okay maybe if its something small like a chicken you just kick it to the corner and thats about it. If its something bigger like a emu you might just hit it to slow it down and use a piano wire around the throat or something.

But maybe not then again.

securas commented 6 years ago

Here's my pitch received_1671828956197129

Title-Pending commented 6 years ago

Okay from some practice... here's another idea to vote on.

Jeremi360 commented 6 years ago

thechayed commented 6 years ago

Here's a list of particularly unoriginal concepts inspired by some of the themes in voting...

Jeremi360 commented 6 years ago

@thechayed I like your "You really shouldn't mix those"

Plopsiskopsis commented 6 years ago

You are the weapon Kungfu game something like double dragon games

A light in the dark Dungeon platformer where you have set amount of flares to hold/throw around to see boogies/traps in there.

Keep growing Something like osmos

3 rules I got nothing

Shelter Well as Kingdom was floated around. Something similar. You have a house that is your shelter and gather stuff to make people build defenses.

Unusual magic aint magic unusual to begin with.

Color changes everything You run away from enemies totally vulnerable but once in a while you find blue pill that changes your color and then you are the hunter. (pacman style)

At the beginning there is nothing some kinda god game? Sounds biblical

Combine 2 incompatible genres (e.g. turn based racing) rts-platformer? bullet hell-puzzle?

You really shouldn't mix those @thechayed <- hes idea here

Floating islands Manage your island as it floats around in sea/river uncontrolled and bump into other islands as you go along.

It spreads Superflu. You try to spread yourself by making people sneeze.

The environment changes you I dont know

Fragile Fragile state of mind. You need to get to work but you need to avoid bumping to other people (unavoidable). If (when) you bump the other person starts yelling and and fighting possibly also bumping to others and then it turns into a brawl. But you still need to get to work.

You are what you eat Oh no you've been cursed. While eating pork dinner you turn to piggy yourself. So begins epic journey to the cemetary eating other animals until finally as some kinda worm you get to eat a corpse to gain human form again.

Self-replication Action game where theres too many enemies to handle with one life/some obstacles need you sacrificed at some place. Once you die your replacement starts from the beginning with floor now filled with corpses and way open further.