The-HopelessGamer / steamwishlistcalculator

Steam Wishlist Calculator allows you to calculate the total cost of your Steam wishlist!
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doesn't show hidden games on my wishlist #2

Open bloodyeyesblackblood opened 1 year ago

bloodyeyesblackblood commented 1 year ago

after figuring out the site gets blocked because of "phishing" in the list, i disabled it and was able to use your site. but it doesn't show me the hidden games (it says i have 4 hidden games. that could not be found), neither does the scripts in work.

did steam change the API?

The-HopelessGamer commented 1 year ago

Hey, I am a little confused. The unlisted items show up in the export wishlist function. They do not show up on the wishlist itself on my website, only the amount of them.

My website does not run through steams API. Wishlist functions are not currently part of their API unfortunately.

I have attached an image showing a users wishlist worth of unlisted items.


What do you mean the scripts do not work? Could you please send me your wishlist so I can take a look by any chance?

bloodyeyesblackblood commented 1 year ago


i reported the false postive "phishing" to oisd, let's see what happens, for the time being i whitelisted it myself

automatic scripts says 3 hidden items gettin' removed, when i click ok it doesn't delete anything at all.

edit: funny, i didn't saw the unlisted appids tab, aboslutely my bad, also seems like it's hidden from me because of some laws where i live

ill try to remove manually

edit: since i know the appids, manually did work, issue can be closed.

edit: still in the phishing list of .. and got no answers yet :( ( you can go to their sites and also report this issue, i did it now a 3rd time.

bloodyeyesblackblood commented 1 year ago

Update, i got an E-Mail, there not much explained, just this:

