The-Learning-And-Vision-Atelier-LAVA / PAM

[TPAMI 2020] Parallax Attention for Unsupervised Stereo Correspondence Learning
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How to calculate the initial disparity map? #5

Open Sarah20187 opened 3 years ago

Sarah20187 commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your wonderful work and codes. Could you help me understand the code below?

Why not directly use the sum of all disparity candidates weighted by the parallax-attention map?

LongguangWang commented 3 years ago

Hi @Sarah20187, thanks for your interests in our work. One can also use the sum of all disparity candidates weighted by the parallax-attention map to regress the disparity (e.g., disp_ini = torch.sum(att * (index.transpose(-1, -2) - index), dim=-1).view(b, 1, h, w)), which is mathematically equivalent to our implementation.