Obviously this is up to taste. I chose one generic one https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Poppins which is well-liked and used among web-fonts. Looks modern and sleek, maybe contrary to the rest of the website.
Well, I'll stick to it for now, until we can meet in person and try out different designs. I would avoid Roboto, it is everywhere on the web and I think its a bit overused.
Obviously this is up to taste. I chose one generic one https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Poppins which is well-liked and used among web-fonts. Looks modern and sleek, maybe contrary to the rest of the website.
Well, I'll stick to it for now, until we can meet in person and try out different designs. I would avoid Roboto, it is everywhere on the web and I think its a bit overused.
Note: also an option to fit the more retro look of the page: Headings/Link menues in serif fonts, like https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Lora .