The-Network-Crew / Proxmox-VE-for-WHMCS

Proxmox VM/CT Module for the WHMCS Automation & Billing System.
GNU General Public License v3.0
150 stars 47 forks source link

Admin Area: Error when Creating Service on the PVE Host (connected to PVE OK) #17

Closed lsthompson closed 1 year ago

lsthompson commented 1 year ago

Module Create Failed / Order Accept Encountered Problems

No obvious logs available from @WaldperlachFabi or @elitbiz

Try configuring WHMCS to be verbose:

Can you please send over screenshots of your Product/Service configuration (1st and 3rd tabs)? You have the IP/Pool configured, so we need to make sure there's Template/etc config present too.

If you tail -f <the PVE proxy log> then Accept the Order, what is seen in the PVE logs from WHMCS?

WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago

IMG_8978 IMG_8979 IMG_8980 IMG_8981 IMG_8982 IMG_8983

lsthompson commented 1 year ago

Thank you. We need to get our hands on some errors/logs. Do you have anything re: PVE logs?

From earlier:

If you tail -f <the PVE proxy log> then Accept the Order, what is seen in the PVE logs from WHMCS?

WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago

::ffff:IP - - [13/06/2023:10:45:39 +0200] "POST /api2/json/access/ticket HTTP/1.1" 200 1325 ::ffff:IP - root@pam [13/06/2023:10:45:39 +0200] "GET /api2/json/nodes HTTP/1.1" 200 332 ::ffff: - root@pam [13/06/2023:10:45:39 +0200] "POST /api2/json/nodes/pve01/lxc HTTP/1.1" 400 164

WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago

These are the logs when trying to accept the order.

lsthompson commented 1 year ago

Okay so the API Ticket is OK (200) and node list as well (200), just the LXC creation failing (400).

I will see if we can get more information from Proxmox side, else we will need to debug it on WHMCS side.

Are you able to confirm that you have enabled all error reporting/logging in WHMCS, and checked its logs please?

WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago

Yes i have enabled all reporting/logging and i am still not getting any errors.

lsthompson commented 1 year ago

Thanks. What does the Module Debug Log show if you enable it, then try to Accept the Order again?

WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago

I already sent a picture of the module debug log yesterday. This is what it shows: IMG_0917

lsthompson commented 1 year ago

As long as the sreenshot is from when you explicitly had the Module Debug Log enabled in the WHMCS System Configuration. Else it's not as verbose.

The system should display a blatant warning while you have the mode enabled as it will consume disk space.

I'm assuming yes, but please confirm. Meanwhile I'm looking further.

lsthompson commented 1 year ago

Could you please update from master and see how Order Creation goes/logs? Thanks @WaldperlachFabi

WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago

Yep, here are the logs:

When creating manually in admin area: IMG_0919 IMG_0920 IMG_0921

This is the error when i try to access a Server in client area: IMG_0922

lsthompson commented 1 year ago

Can you please also send your Custom Fields for the Service? ie. Things like the Ubuntu ISO.

Also then update from master again, and report back with how it goes/logs? Thanks @WaldperlachFabi

WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago


WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago

Now i get the error „Array“ when creating

lsthompson commented 1 year ago

OK. How about now? Screenshots and logs again please @WaldperlachFabi

WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago

Proxmox Error: Failed to create Service. Response: false

lsthompson commented 1 year ago

Is there anything in the Module Log?

WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago

IMG_8987 IMG_8988 Here is the content of „request“: Array ( [whmcsVersion] => 8.6.0-release.1 [accountid] => 89 [serviceid] => 89 [addonId] => 0 [userid] => 1 [domain] => [username] => psbpolgs [password] => 12345678 [packageid] => 37 [pid] => 37 [serverid] => 7 [status] => Pending [qty] => 1 [type] => server [producttype] => server [moduletype] => pvewhmcs [configoption1] => 1 [configoption2] => 2 [configoption3] => [configoption4] => [configoption5] => [configoption6] => [configoption7] => [configoption8] => [configoption9] => [configoption10] => [configoption11] => [configoption12] => [configoption13] => [configoption14] => [configoption15] => [configoption16] => [configoption17] => [configoption18] => [configoption19] => [configoption20] => [configoption21] => [configoption22] => [configoption23] => [configoption24] => [customfields] => Array ( [Template] => ubuntu-20.04-standard_20.04-1_amd64.tar.gz [Password] => 12345678 )

[configoptions] => Array

[model] => WHMCS\Service\Service Object
        [connection:protected] => default
        [table:protected] => tblhosting
        [primaryKey:protected] => id
        [keyType:protected] => int
        [incrementing] => 1
        [with:protected] => Array

        [withCount:protected] => Array

        [perPage:protected] => 15
        [exists] => 1
        [wasRecentlyCreated] => 
        [attributes:protected] => Array
                [id] => 89
                [userid] => 1
                [orderid] => 68
                [packageid] => 37
                [server] => 7
                [regdate] => 2023-06-12
                [domain] =>
                [paymentmethod] => paypal
                [qty] => 1
                [firstpaymentamount] => 0.00
                [amount] => 0.00
                [billingcycle] => Monthly
                [nextduedate] => 2023-07-12
                [nextinvoicedate] => 2023-07-12
                [termination_date] => 0000-00-00
                [completed_date] => 0000-00-00
                [domainstatus] => Pending
                [username] => psbpolgs
                [password] => idk
                [notes] => 
                [subscriptionid] => 
                [promoid] => 0
                [promocount] => 0
                [suspendreason] => 
                [overideautosuspend] => 0
                [overidesuspenduntil] => 0000-00-00
                [dedicatedip] => 
                [assignedips] => 
                [ns1] => Ns
                [ns2] => Ns2
                [diskusage] => 0
                [disklimit] => 0
                [bwusage] => 0
                [bwlimit] => 0
                [lastupdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
                [created_at] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
                [updated_at] => 2023-06-13 13:48:11

        [original:protected] => Array
                [id] => 89
                [userid] => 1
                [orderid] => 68
                [packageid] => 37
                [server] => 7
                [regdate] => 2023-06-12
                [domain] =>
                [paymentmethod] => paypal
                [qty] => 1
                [firstpaymentamount] => 0.00
                [amount] => 0.00
                [billingcycle] => Monthly
                [nextduedate] => 2023-07-12
                [nextinvoicedate] => 2023-07-12
                [termination_date] => 0000-00-00
                [completed_date] => 0000-00-00
                [domainstatus] => Pending
                [username] => psbpolgs
                [password] => idk
                [notes] => 
                [subscriptionid] => 
                [promoid] => 0
                [promocount] => 0
                [suspendreason] => 
                [overideautosuspend] => 0
                [overidesuspenduntil] => 0000-00-00
                [dedicatedip] => 
                [assignedips] => 
                [ns1] => Ns
                [ns2] => Ns2
                [diskusage] => 0
                [disklimit] => 0
                [bwusage] => 0
                [bwlimit] => 0
                [lastupdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
                [created_at] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
                [updated_at] => 2023-06-13 13:48:11

        [changes:protected] => Array

        [casts:protected] => Array

        [classCastCache:protected] => Array

        [dates:protected] => Array
                [0] => registrationDate
                [1] => overrideSuspendUntilDate
                [2] => lastUpdateDate

        [dateFormat:protected] => 
        [appends:protected] => Array
                [0] => domainPunycode
                [1] => serviceProperties

        [dispatchesEvents:protected] => Array

        [observables:protected] => Array

        [relations:protected] => Array
                [product] => WHMCS\Product\Product Object
                        [connection:protected] => default
                        [table:protected] => tblproducts
                        [primaryKey:protected] => id
                        [keyType:protected] => int
                        [incrementing] => 1
                        [with:protected] => Array

                        [withCount:protected] => Array

                        [perPage:protected] => 15
                        [exists] => 1
                        [wasRecentlyCreated] => 
                        [attributes:protected] => Array
                                [id] => 37
                                [type] => server
                                [gid] => 4
                                [name] => Ubuntu 20.04 LXC
                                [slug] => 
                                [description] => 
                                [hidden] => 0
                                [showdomainoptions] => 0
                                [welcomeemail] => 17
                                [stockcontrol] => 1
                                [qty] => 1
                                [proratabilling] => 0
                                [proratadate] => 0
                                [proratachargenextmonth] => 0
                                [paytype] => recurring
                                [allowqty] => 0
                                [subdomain] => 
                                [autosetup] => order
                                [servertype] => pvewhmcs
                                [servergroup] => 6
                                [configoption1] => 1
                                [configoption2] => 2
                                [configoption3] => 
                                [configoption4] => 
                                [configoption5] => 
                                [configoption6] => 
                                [configoption7] => 
                                [configoption8] => 
                                [configoption9] => 
                                [configoption10] => 
                                [configoption11] => 
                                [configoption12] => 
                                [configoption13] => 
                                [configoption14] => 
                                [configoption15] => 
                                [configoption16] => 
                                [configoption17] => 
                                [configoption18] => 
                                [configoption19] => 
                                [configoption20] => 
                                [configoption21] => 
                                [configoption22] => 
                                [configoption23] => 
                                [configoption24] => 
                                [freedomain] => 
                                [freedomainpaymentterms] => 
                                [freedomaintlds] => 
                                [recurringcycles] => 0
                                [autoterminatedays] => 0
                                [autoterminateemail] => 0
                                [configoptionsupgrade] => 0
                                [billingcycleupgrade] => 
                                [upgradeemail] => 0
                                [overagesenabled] => 
                                [overagesdisklimit] => 0
                                [overagesbwlimit] => 0
                                [overagesdiskprice] => 0.0000
                                [overagesbwprice] => 0.0000
                                [tax] => 0
                                [affiliateonetime] => 0
                                [affiliatepaytype] => 
                                [affiliatepayamount] => 0.00
                                [order] => 1
                                [retired] => 0
                                [is_featured] => 0
                                [color] => #9abb3a
                                [tagline] => 
                                [short_description] => 
                                [created_at] => 2023-06-11 15:51:07
                                [updated_at] => 2023-06-12 13:20:06

                        [original:protected] => Array
                                [id] => 37
                                [type] => server
                                [gid] => 4
                                [name] => Ubuntu 20.04 LXC
                                [slug] => 
                                [description] => 
                                [hidden] => 0
                                [showdomainoptions] => 0
                                [welcomeemail] => 17
                                [stockcontrol] => 1
                                [qty] => 1
                                [proratabilling] => 0
                                [proratadate] => 0
                                [proratachargenextmonth] => 0
                                [paytype] => recurring
                                [allowqty] => 0
                                [subdomain] => 
                                [autosetup] => order
                                [servertype] => pvewhmcs
                                [servergroup] => 6
                                [configoption1] => 1
                                [configoption2] => 2
                                [configoption3] => 
                                [configoption4] => 
                                [configoption5] => 
                                [configoption6] => 
                                [configoption7] => 
                                [configoption8] => 
                                [configoption9] => 
                                [configoption10] => 
                                [configoption11] => 
                                [configoption12] => 
                                [configoption13] => 
                                [configoption14] => 
                                [configoption15] => 
                                [configoption16] => 
                                [configoption17] => 
                                [configoption18] => 
                                [configoption19] => 
                                [configoption20] => 
                                [configoption21] => 
                                [configoption22] => 
                                [configoption23] => 
                                [configoption24] => 
                                [freedomain] => 
                                [freedomainpaymentterms] => 
                                [freedomaintlds] => 
                                [recurringcycles] => 0
                                [autoterminatedays] => 0
                                [autoterminateemail] => 0
                                [configoptionsupgrade] => 0
                                [billingcycleupgrade] => 
                                [upgradeemail] => 0
                                [overagesenabled] => 
                                [overagesdisklimit] => 0
                                [overagesbwlimit] => 0
                                [overagesdiskprice] => 0.0000
                                [overagesbwprice] => 0.0000
                                [tax] => 0
                                [affiliateonetime] => 0
                                [affiliatepaytype] => 
                                [affiliatepayamount] => 0.00
                                [order] => 1
                                [retired] => 0
                                [is_featured] => 0
                                [color] => #9abb3a
                                [tagline] => 
                                [short_description] => 
                                [created_at] => 2023-06-11 15:51:07
                                [updated_at] => 2023-06-12 13:20:06

                        [changes:protected] => Array

                        [casts:protected] => Array
                                [allowqty] => integer

                        [classCastCache:protected] => Array

                        [dates:protected] => Array

                        [dateFormat:protected] => 
                        [appends:protected] => Array
                                [0] => formattedProductFeatures

                        [dispatchesEvents:protected] => Array

                        [observables:protected] => Array

                        [relations:protected] => Array

                        [touches:protected] => Array

                        [timestamps] => 1
                        [hidden:protected] => Array

                        [visible:protected] => Array

                        [fillable:protected] => Array

                        [guarded:protected] => Array
                                [0] => *

                        [unique] => Array

                        [guardedForUpdate] => Array

                        [columnMap:protected] => Array
                                [productGroupId] => gid
                                [isHidden] => hidden
                                [welcomeEmailTemplateId] => welcomeemail
                                [stockControlEnabled] => stockcontrol
                                [quantityInStock] => qty
                                [proRataChargeDayOfCurrentMonth] => proratadate
                                [proRataChargeNextMonthAfterDay] => proratachargenextmonth
                                [paymentType] => paytype
                                [allowMultipleQuantities] => allowqty
                                [freeSubDomains] => subdomain
                                [module] => servertype
                                [serverGroupId] => servergroup
                                [moduleConfigOption1] => configoption1
                                [moduleConfigOption2] => configoption2
                                [moduleConfigOption3] => configoption3
                                [moduleConfigOption4] => configoption4
                                [moduleConfigOption5] => configoption5
                                [moduleConfigOption6] => configoption6
                                [moduleConfigOption7] => configoption7
                                [moduleConfigOption8] => configoption8
                                [moduleConfigOption9] => configoption9
                                [moduleConfigOption10] => configoption10
                                [moduleConfigOption11] => configoption11
                                [moduleConfigOption12] => configoption12
                                [moduleConfigOption13] => configoption13
                                [moduleConfigOption14] => configoption14
                                [moduleConfigOption15] => configoption15
                                [moduleConfigOption16] => configoption16
                                [moduleConfigOption17] => configoption17
                                [moduleConfigOption18] => configoption18
                                [moduleConfigOption19] => configoption19
                                [moduleConfigOption20] => configoption20
                                [moduleConfigOption21] => configoption21
                                [moduleConfigOption22] => configoption22
                                [moduleConfigOption23] => configoption23
                                [moduleConfigOption24] => configoption24
                                [recurringCycleLimit] => recurringcycles
                                [daysAfterSignUpUntilAutoTermination] => autoterminatedays
                                [autoTerminationEmailTemplateId] => autoterminateemail
                                [allowConfigOptionUpgradeDowngrade] => configoptionsupgrade
                                [upgradeEmailTemplateId] => upgradeemail
                                [enableOverageBillingAndUnits] => overagesenabled
                                [overageDiskLimit] => overagesdisklimit
                                [overageBandwidthLimit] => overagesbwlimit
                                [overageDiskPrice] => overagesdiskprice
                                [overageBandwidthPrice] => overagesbwprice
                                [applyTax] => tax
                                [affiliatePayoutOnceOnly] => affiliateonetime
                                [affiliatePaymentType] => affiliatepaytype
                                [affiliatePaymentAmount] => affiliatepayamount
                                [isRetired] => retired
                                [displayOrder] => order

                        [booleans:protected] => Array
                                [0] => isHidden
                                [1] => showDomainOptions
                                [2] => stockControlEnabled
                                [3] => proRataBilling
                                [4] => allowConfigOptionUpgradeDowngrade
                                [5] => applyTax
                                [6] => affiliatePayoutOnceOnly
                                [7] => isRetired
                                [8] => isFeatured

                        [strings:protected] => Array
                                [0] => description
                                [1] => autoSetup
                                [2] => module
                                [3] => moduleConfigOption1
                                [4] => moduleConfigOption2
                                [5] => moduleConfigOption3
                                [6] => moduleConfigOption4
                                [7] => moduleConfigOption5
                                [8] => moduleConfigOption6
                                [9] => moduleConfigOption7
                                [10] => moduleConfigOption8
                                [11] => moduleConfigOption9
                                [12] => moduleConfigOption10
                                [13] => moduleConfigOption11
                                [14] => moduleConfigOption12
                                [15] => moduleConfigOption13
                                [16] => moduleConfigOption14
                                [17] => moduleConfigOption15
                                [18] => moduleConfigOption16
                                [19] => moduleConfigOption17
                                [20] => moduleConfigOption18
                                [21] => moduleConfigOption19
                                [22] => moduleConfigOption20
                                [23] => moduleConfigOption21
                                [24] => moduleConfigOption22
                                [25] => moduleConfigOption23
                                [26] => moduleConfigOption24
                                [27] => tagline
                                [28] => shortDescription
                                [29] => color

                        [ints:protected] => Array
                                [0] => welcomeEmailTemplateId
                                [1] => quantityInStock
                                [2] => proRataChargeDayOfCurrentMonth
                                [3] => proRataChargeNextMonthAfterDay
                                [4] => serverGroupId
                                [5] => displayOrder

                        [semanticVersions:protected] => Array

                        [commaSeparated:protected] => Array
                                [0] => freeSubDomains
                                [1] => freeDomainPaymentTerms
                                [2] => freeDomainTlds
                                [3] => enableOverageBillingAndUnits

                        [characterSeparated:protected] => Array

                        [rules:protected] => Array

                        [errors:protected] => 
                        [customValidationMessages:protected] => Array

                        [moduleField:protected] => servertype
                        [pricingCache:protected] => 
                        [field:protected] => configoption1

                [client] => WHMCS\User\Client Object
                        [connection:protected] => default
                        [table:protected] => tblclients
                        [primaryKey:protected] => id
                        [keyType:protected] => int
                        [incrementing] => 1
                        [with:protected] => Array

                        [withCount:protected] => Array

                        [perPage:protected] => 15
                        [exists] => 1
                        [wasRecentlyCreated] => 
                        [attributes:protected] => Array
                                [id] => 1
                                [uuid] => uuid
                                [firstname] => Fabian
                                [lastname] => Ruhl
                                [companyname] => 
                                [email] =>
                                [address1] => abc
                                [address2] => 
                                [city] => München
                                [state] => Bayern
                                [postcode] => 1234
                                [country] => DE
                                [phonenumber] => +49.1234
                                [tax_id] => 
                                [password] => 
                                [authmodule] => 
                                [authdata] => 
                                [currency] => 1
                                [defaultgateway] => 
                                [credit] => 0.00
                                [taxexempt] => 0
                                [latefeeoveride] => 0
                                [overideduenotices] => 0
                                [separateinvoices] => 0
                                [disableautocc] => 0
                                [datecreated] => 2022-11-28
                                [notes] => 
                                [billingcid] => 0
                                [securityqid] => 0
                                [securityqans] => 
                                [groupid] => 0
                                [cardtype] => 
                                [cardlastfour] => 
                                [cardnum] => 
                                [startdate] => 
                                [expdate] => 
                                [issuenumber] => 
                                [bankname] => 
                                [banktype] => 
                                [bankcode] => 
                                [bankacct] => 
                                [gatewayid] => 
                                [lastlogin] => 2023-06-12 13:22:49
                                [ip] => IP
                                [host] => IP
                                [status] => Active
                                [language] => 
                                [pwresetkey] => 
                                [emailoptout] => 1
                                [marketing_emails_opt_in] => 0
                                [overrideautoclose] => 0
                                [allow_sso] => 1
                                [email_verified] => 0
                                [email_preferences] => {"general":"1","invoice":"1","support":"1","product":"1","domain":"1","affiliate":"1"}
                                [created_at] => 2022-11-28 08:31:34
                                [updated_at] => 2023-06-12 13:22:49
                                [pwresetexpiry] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00

                        [original:protected] => Array
                                [id] => 1
                                [uuid] => uuid
                                [firstname] => Fabian
                                [lastname] => Ruhl
                                [companyname] => 
                                [email] =>
                                [address1] => abc
                                [address2] => 
                                [city] => München
                                [state] => Bayern
                                [postcode] => 1234
                                [country] => DE
                                [phonenumber] => +49.1234
                                [tax_id] => 
                                [password] => 
                                [authmodule] => 
                                [authdata] => 
                                [currency] => 1
                                [defaultgateway] => 
                                [credit] => 0.00
                                [taxexempt] => 0
                                [latefeeoveride] => 0
                                [overideduenotices] => 0
                                [separateinvoices] => 0
                                [disableautocc] => 0
                                [datecreated] => 2022-11-28
                                [notes] => 
                                [billingcid] => 0
                                [securityqid] => 0
                                [securityqans] => 
                                [groupid] => 0
                                [cardtype] => 
                                [cardlastfour] => 
                                [cardnum] => 
                                [startdate] => 
                                [expdate] => 
                                [issuenumber] => 
                                [bankname] => 
                                [banktype] => 
                                [bankcode] => 
                                [bankacct] => 
                                [gatewayid] => 
                                [lastlogin] => 2023-06-12 13:22:49
                                [ip] => IP
                                [host] => ip
                                [status] => Active
                                [language] => 
                                [pwresetkey] => 
                                [emailoptout] => 1
                                [marketing_emails_opt_in] => 0
                                [overrideautoclose] => 0
                                [allow_sso] => 1
                                [email_verified] => 0
                                [email_preferences] => {"general":"1","invoice":"1","support":"1","product":"1","domain":"1","affiliate":"1"}
                                [created_at] => 2022-11-28 08:31:34
                                [updated_at] => 2023-06-12 13:22:49
                                [pwresetexpiry] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00

                        [changes:protected] => Array

                        [casts:protected] => Array
                                [email_preferences] => array

                        [classCastCache:protected] => Array

                        [dates:protected] => Array
                                [0] => lastLoginDate
                                [1] => passwordResetKeyRequestDate
                                [2] => passwordResetKeyExpiryDate

                        [dateFormat:protected] => 
                        [appends:protected] => Array
                                [0] => fullName
                                [1] => displayName
                                [2] => countryName
                                [3] => groupName
                                [4] => currencyCode
                                [5] => displayNameFormatted

                        [dispatchesEvents:protected] => Array

                        [observables:protected] => Array

                        [relations:protected] => Array

                        [touches:protected] => Array

                        [timestamps] => 1
                        [hidden:protected] => Array
                                [0] => password
                                [1] => authdata
                                [2] => securityqans
                                [3] => cardnum
                                [4] => startdate
                                [5] => expdate
                                [6] => issuenumber
                                [7] => bankname
                                [8] => banktype
                                [9] => bankcode
                                [10] => bankacct
                                [11] => pwresetkey
                                [12] => pwresetexpiry

                        [visible:protected] => Array

                        [fillable:protected] => Array
                                [0] => lastlogin
                                [1] => ip
                                [2] => host
                                [3] => pwresetkey
                                [4] => pwresetexpiry

                        [guarded:protected] => Array
                                [0] => *

                        [unique] => Array
                                [0] => email

                        [guardedForUpdate] => Array

                        [columnMap:protected] => Array
                                [passwordHash] => password
                                [twoFactorAuthModule] => authmodule
                                [twoFactorAuthData] => authdata
                                [currencyId] => currency
                                [defaultPaymentGateway] => defaultgateway
                                [overrideLateFee] => latefeeoveride
                                [overrideOverdueNotices] => overideduenotices
                                [disableAutomaticCreditCardProcessing] => disableautocc
                                [billingContactId] => billingcid
                                [creditCardType] => cardtype
                                [creditCardLastFourDigits] => cardlastfour
                                [creditCardExpiryDate] => expdate
                                [storedBankNameCrypt] => bankname
                                [storedBankTypeCrypt] => banktype
                                [storedBankCodeCrypt] => bankcode
                                [storedBankAccountCrypt] => bankacct
                                [paymentGatewayToken] => gatewayid
                                [lastLoginDate] => lastlogin
                                [lastLoginIp] => ip
                                [lastLoginHostname] => host
                                [passwordResetKey] => pwresetkey
                                [passwordResetKeyRequestDate] => pwresetexpiry
                                [passwordResetKeyExpiryDate] => pwresetexpiry

                        [booleans:protected] => Array
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                                [1] => overrideLateFee
                                [2] => overrideOverdueNotices
                                [3] => separateInvoices
                                [4] => disableAutomaticCreditCardProcessing
                                [5] => emailOptOut
                                [6] => marketingEmailsOptIn
                                [7] => overrideAutoClose
                                [8] => emailVerified

                        [strings:protected] => Array

                        [ints:protected] => Array

                        [semanticVersions:protected] => Array

                        [commaSeparated:protected] => Array

                        [characterSeparated:protected] => Array

                        [rules:protected] => Array

                        [errors:protected] => 
                        [customValidationMessages:protected] => Array


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                                                [updated_at] => 2023-06-12 13:22:49

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                                                                [fieldtype] => dropdown
                                                                [description] => 
                                                                [fieldoptions] => ubuntu-20.04-standard_20.04-1_amd64.tar.gz|Ubuntu20.04
                                                                [regexpr] => 
                                                                [adminonly] => 
                                                                [required] => on
                                                                [showorder] => on
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                                                        [visible:protected] => Array

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                                                        [errors:protected] => 
                                                        [customValidationMessages:protected] => Array



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                                                [0] => *

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                                        [ints:protected] => Array

                                        [semanticVersions:protected] => Array

                                        [commaSeparated:protected] => Array

                                        [characterSeparated:protected] => Array

                                        [rules:protected] => Array

                                        [errors:protected] => 
                                        [customValidationMessages:protected] => Array


                                [1] => WHMCS\CustomField\CustomFieldValue Object
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                                        [table:protected] => tblcustomfieldsvalues
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                                                [updated_at] => 2023-06-12 13:22:49

                                        [changes:protected] => Array

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                                        [appends:protected] => Array

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                                                                [required] => on
                                                                [showorder] => on
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                                                                [updated_at] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00

                                                        [original:protected] => Array
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                                                                [type] => product
                                                                [relid] => 37
                                                                [fieldname] => Password
                                                                [fieldtype] => text
                                                                [description] => 
                                                                [fieldoptions] => 
                                                                [regexpr] => 
                                                                [adminonly] => 
                                                                [required] => on
                                                                [showorder] => on
                                                                [showinvoice] => 
                                                                [sortorder] => 0
                                                                [created_at] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
                                                                [updated_at] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00

                                                        [changes:protected] => Array

                                                        [casts:protected] => Array

                                                        [classCastCache:protected] => Array

                                                        [dates:protected] => Array

                                                        [dateFormat:protected] => 
                                                        [appends:protected] => Array

                                                        [dispatchesEvents:protected] => Array

                                                        [observables:protected] => Array

                                                        [relations:protected] => Array

                                                        [touches:protected] => Array

                                                        [timestamps] => 1
                                                        [hidden:protected] => Array

                                                        [visible:protected] => Array

                                                        [fillable:protected] => Array
                                                                [0] => type
                                                                [1] => relid
                                                                [2] => fieldName
                                                                [3] => fieldType

                                                        [guarded:protected] => Array
                                                                [0] => *

                                                        [unique] => Array

                                                        [guardedForUpdate] => Array

                                                        [columnMap:protected] => Array
                                                                [relatedId] => relid
                                                                [regularExpression] => regexpr
                                                                [showOnOrderForm] => showorder
                                                                [showOnInvoice] => showinvoice

                                                        [booleans:protected] => Array

                                                        [strings:protected] => Array

                                                        [ints:protected] => Array

                                                        [semanticVersions:protected] => Array

                                                        [commaSeparated:protected] => Array
                                                                [0] => fieldOptions

                                                        [characterSeparated:protected] => Array

                                                        [rules:protected] => Array

                                                        [errors:protected] => 
                                                        [customValidationMessages:protected] => Array



                                        [touches:protected] => Array

                                        [timestamps] => 1
                                        [hidden:protected] => Array

                                        [visible:protected] => Array

                                        [fillable:protected] => Array
                                                [0] => fieldid
                                                [1] => relid

                                        [guarded:protected] => Array
                                                [0] => *

                                        [unique] => Array

                                        [guardedForUpdate] => Array

                                        [columnMap:protected] => Array
                                                [relatedId] => relid

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                                        [strings:protected] => Array

                                        [ints:protected] => Array

                                        [semanticVersions:protected] => Array

                                        [commaSeparated:protected] => Array

                                        [characterSeparated:protected] => Array

                                        [rules:protected] => Array

                                        [errors:protected] => 
                                        [customValidationMessages:protected] => Array





        [touches:protected] => Array

        [timestamps] => 1
        [hidden:protected] => Array
                [0] => password

        [visible:protected] => Array

        [fillable:protected] => Array

        [guarded:protected] => Array
                [0] => *

        [unique] => Array

        [guardedForUpdate] => Array

        [columnMap:protected] => Array
                [clientId] => userid
                [productId] => packageid
                [serverId] => server
                [registrationDate] => regdate
                [paymentGateway] => paymentmethod
                [status] => domainstatus
                [promotionId] => promoid
                [promotionCount] => promocount
                [overrideAutoSuspend] => overideautosuspend
                [overrideSuspendUntilDate] => overidesuspenduntil
                [bandwidthUsage] => bwusage
                [bandwidthLimit] => bwlimit
                [lastUpdateDate] => lastupdate
                [firstPaymentAmount] => firstpaymentamount
                [recurringAmount] => amount
                [recurringFee] => amount

        [booleans:protected] => Array
                [0] => overideautosuspend

        [strings:protected] => Array

        [ints:protected] => Array

        [semanticVersions:protected] => Array

        [commaSeparated:protected] => Array

        [characterSeparated:protected] => Array

        [rules:protected] => Array

        [errors:protected] => 
        [customValidationMessages:protected] => Array

        [moduleInterface:protected] => 

[server] => 1
[serverip] => IP
[serverhostname] => IP
[serverusername] => root
[serverpassword] => SERVERPSSWD
[serveraccesshash] => 
[serversecure] => 1
[serverhttpprefix] => https
[serverport] => 
[clientsdetails] => Array
        [userid] => 1
        [client_id] => 1
        [id] => 1
        [owner_user_id] => 1
        [uuid] => uuid
        [firstname] => Fabian
        [lastname] => Ruhl
        [fullname] => Fabian Ruhl
        [companyname] => 
        [email] =>
        [address1] => abc
        [address2] => 
        [city] => Munchen
        [fullstate] => Bayern
        [state] => Bayern
        [postcode] => 1234
        [countrycode] => DE
        [country] => DE
        [phonenumber] => 1234
        [tax_id] => 
        [email_preferences] => Array
                [general] => 1
                [invoice] => 1
                [support] => 1
                [product] => 1
                [domain] => 1
                [affiliate] => 1

        [statecode] => Bayern
        [countryname] => Germany
        [phonecc] => 49
        [phonenumberformatted] => +1234
        [telephoneNumber] => +1234
        [billingcid] => 0
        [notes] => 
        [currency] => 1
        [defaultgateway] => 
        [cctype] => 
        [cclastfour] => 
        [gatewayid] => 
        [groupid] => 0
        [status] => Active
        [credit] => 0.00
        [taxexempt] => 
        [latefeeoveride] => 
        [overideduenotices] => 
        [separateinvoices] => 
        [disableautocc] => 
        [emailoptout] => 1
        [marketing_emails_opt_in] => 
        [overrideautoclose] => 
        [allowSingleSignOn] => 1
        [email_verified] => 1
        [language] => 
        [isOptedInToMarketingEmails] => 
        [tax_state] => Bayern
        [tax_countrycode] => DE
        [lastlogin] => Date: 12/06/2023 13:22<br>IP Address: IP<br>Host:

[action] => create


WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago

Is there anything in the Module Log?

Had to remove some information like phone number, response will follow:

WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago

0 [internal function]: pvewhmcs_CreateAccount()

1 /var/www/vhosts/abc/whmcs/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Module/AbstractModule.php(0): call_user_func()

2 /var/www/vhosts/abc/whmcs/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Module/Server.php(0): WHMCS\Module\AbstractModule->call()

3 /var/www/vhosts/abc/whmcs/includes/modulefunctions.php(0): WHMCS\Module\Server->call()

4 /var/www/vhosts/abc/whmcs/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Service/Service.php(0): ModuleCallFunction()

5 /var/www/vhosts/abc/whmcs/includes/orderfunctions.php(0): WHMCS\Service\Service->legacyProvision()

6 /var/www/vhosts/abc/whmcs/admin123/orders.php(0): acceptOrder()

7 {main}

lsthompson commented 1 year ago

Thanks. Is there an error along with the stack trace?

WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago

Nope, I sent you all

lsthompson commented 1 year ago

Okay thanks, try updating now. Hopefully you get more verbosity.

WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago

Proxmox Error: Failed to create Service. Response: Proxmox Error: Unexpected Error.

WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago

0 [internal function]: pvewhmcs_CreateAccount()

1 /var/www/vhosts/abc/whmcs/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Module/AbstractModule.php(0): call_user_func()

2 /var/www/vhosts/abc/whmcs/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Module/Server.php(0): WHMCS\Module\AbstractModule->call()

3 /var/www/vhosts/abc/whmcs/includes/modulefunctions.php(0): WHMCS\Module\Server->call()

4 /var/www/vhosts/abc/whmcs/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Service/Service.php(0): ModuleCallFunction()

5 /var/www/vhosts/abc/whmcs/includes/orderfunctions.php(0): WHMCS\Service\Service->legacyProvision()

6 /var/www/vhosts/abc/whmcs/admin123/orders.php(0): acceptOrder()

7 {main}

WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago

Do you need the request error log too?

lsthompson commented 1 year ago

Okay, I've added more verbosity to that case - please update (yet again), and see what it logs. I think we're close.

Proxmox doesn't capture more than the pveproxy log stores (without amending code), so this is the better way.

WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago

Proxmox Error: Failed to create Service. Response: Proxmox Error: Unexpected Error. Response Type: boolean, Response:

lsthompson commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your responsive assistance and continued patience, it's very much appreciated.

PVE2 API PHP Class returns boolean, however it writes to error_log as it does so. Your PHP error log, if your environment is working/configured properly, should be logging the reason out that way - going beyond just the "false".

I've added what should be a module debug log entry of the $VM_Settings & $v to capture the config/request & type.

Please write back with the outcomes on both fronts. Meanwhile I've prefixed the API class logging:

If we can't determine the "why" in the failed request, we'll update the class further re: passing exception info back. With the 6-7 years since the previous last update of the module, things are likely to have changed a bit!

WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago

Proxmox Error: Failed to create Service. Response: Unexpected Error/Response. Type: boolean, Contents:

WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago


WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago

Array ( [vm_settings] => Array ( [vmid] => 89 [ostemplate] => local:vztmpl/ubuntu-20.04-standard_20.04-1_amd64.tar.gz [swap] => 0 [rootfs] => 10 [net0] => bridge=vmbr0,name=eth0,ip=/0,gw= [nameserver] => [password] => 12345678 [cpuunits] => 1024 [cpulimit] => 1 [memory] => 512 )

[v] => lxc


lsthompson commented 1 year ago

Thank you. How about your PHP error_log? As it is failing and returning false, it (API) should be logging the "why".

lsthompson commented 1 year ago

I've pushed a tweak to the API Class that should change the relevant section to throw an exception, which should be relayed back to you. Please still check your error_log from previous runs, and more recently the Module Log again.

As it should be quicker if we can get the exact response back, and this will also aid future issue troubleshooting.

WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago

I have enabled the PHP error logs, they should be logged in the activity log but there isn’t anything.

lsthompson commented 1 year ago

No, the PHP error_log should be independent in theory. I'm happy to be wrong, though it's more to do with your PHP environment, as they weren't logged to WHMCS. Have you updated again and retried? That should go to the WHMCS log.

WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago

PVE2 API: This API Request Failed. HTTP Response - 400 HTTP Error - HTTP/1.1 400 Parameter verification failed.

lsthompson commented 1 year ago

Thank you, good to see the PVE response confirming its likely parameter-related.

Two questions:

  1. In your previous reply with the $vm_settings and $v responses, is that how IP and GW were? Are they OK?
  2. Do you get a different response if you do the same using KVM instead of LXC? As it may be rootfs-related

At the moment you are passing "10" in as rootfs param, this comes from the Disk config on the Template.

It seems this mightn't be sufficient and could explain why there's a parameter problem. (scroll to "Mount Points")

Looking forward to hearing back!

WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago

1: I don’t know, I added one ip to the pool and set the gateway to the ip of the proxmox Server.

2: The same: Error: PVE2 API: This API Request Failed. HTTP Response - 400 HTTP Error - HTTP/1.1 400 Parameter verification failed

Array ( [vm_settings] => Array ( [vmid] => 91 [ostype] => win10 [sockets] => 1 [cores] => 1 [cpu] => kvm64 [kvm] => 1 [onboot] => [virtio0] => local:10240,format=qcow2 [net0] => e1000,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=0 [cpuunits] => 1024 [cpulimit] => 0 [memory] => 2048 )

[v] => qemu


lsthompson commented 1 year ago

OK, so for LXC it may relate to rootfs/mp, and for QEMU it may relate to missing ISO/Template.

For both types, it seems there is a problem with passing in IP/GW. For LXC it's malformed, for QEMU it's missing.

Can you please show your Custom Fields, ISO, IP/GW to Template, etc, configurations for BOTH types?

Then also try updating again, then trying BOTH types (making sure IP/GW and ISO/TPL are OK). (just pushed again, local storage changed to local-lvm)

WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago

Okay, I completely recreated both products. (Not updated to newer version yet) CT: Array ( [vm_settings] => Array ( [vmid] => 90 [ostemplate] => local:vztmpl/ubuntu-20.04-standard_20.04-1_amd64.tar.gz [swap] => 1024 [rootfs] => 8 [net0] => bridge=vmbr0,name=eth0,ip=/0,gw= [nameserver] => [password] => thisIsAPassword [cpuunits] => 1024 [cpulimit] => 1 [memory] => 1024 )

[v] => lxc


VM: Array ( [vm_settings] => Array ( [vmid] => 92 [ostype] => win10 [sockets] => 1 [cores] => 1 [cpu] => kvm64 [kvm] => 1 [onboot] => [virtio0] => local:10240,format=qcow2 [net0] => e1000,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=0 [cpuunits] => 1024 [cpulimit] => 0 [memory] => 2048 )

[v] => qemu

) IMG_9002 IMG_9003 IMG_9004 IMG_9005 IMG_9006 IMG_9007 IMG_9008

WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago

I will update to the newest version now and try again.

WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago

Same error, CT: Array ( [vm_settings] => Array ( [vmid] => 90 [ostemplate] => local:vztmpl/ubuntu-20.04-standard_20.04-1_amd64.tar.gz [swap] => 1024 [rootfs] => local-lvm:8 [net0] => bridge=vmbr0,name=eth0,ip=/0,gw= [nameserver] => [password] => thisIsAPassword [cpuunits] => 1024 [cpulimit] => 1 [memory] => 1024 )

[v] => lxc


WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago

VM: Array ( [vm_settings] => Array ( [vmid] => 92 [ostype] => win10 [sockets] => 1 [cores] => 1 [cpu] => kvm64 [ipconfig] => ip=/0,gw= [nameserver] => [kvm] => 1 [onboot] => [virtio0] => local:10240,format=qcow2 [net0] => e1000,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=0 [cpuunits] => 1024 [cpulimit] => 0 [memory] => 2048 )

[v] => qemu


lsthompson commented 1 year ago

Thanks again for your efforts. Apologies if anything is asked more than once, etc.

Area 1 - Network

It seems the IP/GW isn't making it through.

Your subnet looks wrong for your gateway? Should be

Area 2 - Storage

Does the name of your Proxmox VM/CT storage match local-lvm? The default is local, but lvm is common. (I think we'll end up adding a config field for this, but for now let's get the function working)

Area 3 - Media

What is your QEMU/KVM ISO/Template method? It seems that's missing. Original manual ref.

Do the file/s and/or template/s exist on Proxmox and are verified to be OK? The path definitely matches?

WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago

1: yes the subnet mask is but I didn’t have any option to set/change it, it was there automatically… 2: the storage name is „local“ IMG_9010 3: I am now using the „clone“ method.

lsthompson commented 1 year ago

OK, and if you update again what do you see in response?

In the Module Log, are we now seeing the IP/GW go through properly?

WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago


Array ( [vm_settings] => Array ( [vmid] => 94 [ostemplate] => local:vztmpl/ubuntu-20.04-standard_20.04-1_amd64.tar.gz [swap] => 1024 [rootfs] => local:8 [net0] => bridge=vmbr0,name=eth0,ip=/0,gw= [nameserver] => [password] => ThisIsMyPassword [cpuunits] => 1024 [cpulimit] => 1 [memory] => 1024 )

[v] => lxc


lsthompson commented 1 year ago

Hmm, so it still isn't sending the IP or GW. The code gets this from the DB, makes sure it isn't used, etc.

But in your array dumps from the Module Log, the config option (should be Pool) that it uses is showing 2.

[configoption1] => 1 [configoption2] => 2

Can you please send screenshots of the module's database tables/contents? And of the Service tab Config Options.

It won't send an IP if the only IP is already on a WHMCS PVE VM.

Can't go much further until it's sending the network config properly.

WaldperlachFabi commented 1 year ago

Here is an link to the Database file:

How can I set the subnet mask to

Where can I find the Service tab Config Options?