The-North-Pacific / s13_TNP
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Theme Changes and Threads #25

Closed TNP-Bug-Reporter closed 8 years ago

TNP-Bug-Reporter commented 9 years ago

1) Open a thread (specifically I was viewing this thread: but it works on any thread) 2) Change forum theme (specifically I was changing from standard blue TNP to the Game of Thrones theme but it works between any themes)

Redirect/reload does not work. Attempted URL is "" with percent-two-eff instead of slashes. Error message is

"Not Found

The requested URL /topic/7236078/1/ was not found on this server."


Eluvatar commented 8 years ago

I have also experienced this problem. My latest change makes the redirect send you back to "" instead. I was unable to get the redirect back to whatever page you were on: replacing the %2Fs with /s somehow resulted in... a redirect back to the home page.

What's worse, this bug shows up on the main forum, but not on the test forum. Probably a zetaboards issue, will file a ticket. (Specifically, on the test forum, it always redirects to the home page, even without my javascript).

Eluvatar commented 8 years ago

Finding I see some solutions.