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[FEATURE] Individual Entry Preview #32

Closed meisZWFLZ closed 4 months ago

meisZWFLZ commented 4 months ago

Requested Feature

I'd like to be able to render a specific entry on its own, without any of the frontmatter and appendix.

Current Implementation

You must include the following for the entry to actually render in the preview

#show notebook.with(/*...*/)


This would make it easier to work on individual entries and quickly check that everything looks correct without any scrolling in the pdf preview.

(Optional) Possible Implementations and Alternatives

BattleCh1cken commented 4 months ago

I don't think its possible for us to support this. I considered having each create_entry function return content instead of modifying the global state of the template, however this created some issues that I didn't see a way to get around.

Even if it was possible this is too large of a refactor for the number of users it affects.

I know that my PDF viewer (Zathura) remembers which page it was viewing when the document reloads, so you may want to consider switching up your approach to viewing PDFs.