The-OpenROAD-Project / OpenLane

OpenLane is an automated RTL to GDSII flow based on several components including OpenROAD, Yosys, Magic, Netgen and custom methodology scripts for design exploration and optimization.
Apache License 2.0
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Resizer got stuck #1930

Closed vijayank88 closed 10 months ago

vijayank88 commented 11 months ago


I am trying to harden this GFMPW design : with latest OpenLane, but resizer got struck and consume all RAM and get killed at the end.

Expected Behavior

Complete resizer the stage.

Environment report

Kernel: Linux v3.10.0-1160.90.1.el7.x86_64
Distribution: centos 7
Python: v3.6.8 (OK)
Container Engine: docker v24.0.2 (OK)
OpenLane Git Version: 4c74d8b13c39ac20acfd412d90fdd689a959fafc
python-venv: INSTALLED

Git Log (Last 3 Commits)

4c74d8b 2023-07-31T17:13:43+00:00 Rename `mca` folders (#1922) - Kareem Farid -  (grafted, HEAD, tag: 2023.08.01)
Git Remotes

origin (fetch)
origin (push)

Reproduction material

Relevant log output

OpenROAD 41a51eaf4ca2171c92ff38afb91eb37bbd3f36da 
This program is licensed under the BSD-3 license. See the LICENSE file for details.
Components of this program may be licensed under more restrictive licenses which must be honored.
[INFO]: Reading ODB at '/home/vijayan/CARAVEL_FLOW/03_08_OL_Caravel_Flow/caravel_user_project/openlane/serv_0/runs/23_08_04_07_44/tmp/placement/8-global.odb'…
define_corners Slowest Typical Fastest
read_liberty -corner Slowest /home/vijayan/CARAVEL_FLOW/03_08_OL_Caravel_Flow/caravel_user_project/dependencies/pdks/gf180mcuC/libs.ref/gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0/liberty/gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0__ss_125C_4v50.lib
read_liberty -corner Slowest /home/vijayan/CARAVEL_FLOW/03_08_OL_Caravel_Flow/caravel_user_project/openlane/serv_0/../../dependencies/pdks/gf180mcuC/libs.ref/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram/liberty/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram256x8m8wm1__tt_025C_1v80.lib
read_liberty -corner Typical /home/vijayan/CARAVEL_FLOW/03_08_OL_Caravel_Flow/caravel_user_project/dependencies/pdks/gf180mcuC/libs.ref/gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0/liberty/gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0__tt_025C_5v00.lib
read_liberty -corner Typical /home/vijayan/CARAVEL_FLOW/03_08_OL_Caravel_Flow/caravel_user_project/openlane/serv_0/../../dependencies/pdks/gf180mcuC/libs.ref/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram/liberty/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram256x8m8wm1__tt_025C_1v80.lib
[WARNING STA-0053] /home/vijayan/CARAVEL_FLOW/03_08_OL_Caravel_Flow/caravel_user_project/openlane/serv_0/../../dependencies/pdks/gf180mcuC/libs.ref/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram/liberty/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram256x8m8wm1__tt_025C_1v80.lib line 29, library gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram256x8m8wm1__tt_025C_1v80 already exists.
read_liberty -corner Fastest /home/vijayan/CARAVEL_FLOW/03_08_OL_Caravel_Flow/caravel_user_project/dependencies/pdks/gf180mcuC/libs.ref/gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0/liberty/gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0__ff_n40C_5v50.lib
read_liberty -corner Fastest /home/vijayan/CARAVEL_FLOW/03_08_OL_Caravel_Flow/caravel_user_project/openlane/serv_0/../../dependencies/pdks/gf180mcuC/libs.ref/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram/liberty/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram256x8m8wm1__tt_025C_1v80.lib
[WARNING STA-0053] /home/vijayan/CARAVEL_FLOW/03_08_OL_Caravel_Flow/caravel_user_project/openlane/serv_0/../../dependencies/pdks/gf180mcuC/libs.ref/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram/liberty/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram256x8m8wm1__tt_025C_1v80.lib line 29, library gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram256x8m8wm1__tt_025C_1v80 already exists.
Using 1e-12 for capacitance...
Using 1e+00 for resistance...
Using 1e-09 for time...
Using 1e+00 for voltage...
Using 1e-03 for current...
Using 1e-06 for power...
Using 1e-06 for distance...
Reading design constraints file at '/home/vijayan/CARAVEL_FLOW/03_08_OL_Caravel_Flow/caravel_user_project/openlane/serv_0/runs/23_08_04_07_44/tmp/floorplan/3-initial_fp.sdc'…
[INFO]: Setting RC values...
[INFO RSZ-0027] Inserted 4 input buffers.
[INFO RSZ-0028] Inserted 2 output buffers.
[INFO RSZ-0058] Using max wire length 9189um.
maliberty commented 11 months ago

Do you have any macros? We have seen such cases when there is an unreasonably small max_transition

vijayank88 commented 11 months ago

Yes, sram integrated.

maliberty commented 11 months ago

How did you generate the .lib for the sram?

vijayank88 commented 11 months ago

It is coming with part of gf180 pdk.

openroadie commented 11 months ago

Same as:

donn commented 11 months ago

Careful with keywords in PR descriptions: this is not yet fixed in OpenLane.

openroadie commented 11 months ago

@donn @vijayank88 : What are the next steps needed for this to be fixed in OpenLane ? Do we need to update OpenLane to use the latest OR code?

maliberty commented 11 months ago

The update is the OL team's responsibility (@donn )

scorbetta commented 8 months ago

I got similar problem in my design. The "[STEP 15] Running Global Routing Resizer Design Optimizations" stage takes forever, while all previous steps take a bunch of minutes. Here's the tail of the log:

[INFO GRT-0096] Final congestion report:
Layer         Resource        Demand        Usage (%)    Max H / Max V / Total Overflow
Metal1               0             0            0.00%             0 /  0 /  0
Metal2         1144386        129375           11.31%             0 /  0 /  0
Metal3         1144522        151323           13.22%             0 /  0 /  0
Metal4         1119052         41853            3.74%             0 /  0 /  0
Total          3407960        322551            9.46%             0 /  0 /  0

[INFO GRT-0018] Total wirelength: 3697520 um
[INFO GRT-0014] Routed nets: 39950
[INFO]: Setting RC values...
[INFO RSZ-0058] Using max wire length 9189um.

I just updated OpenLane and everything. I am trying to harden my design to GF180MCUD PDK. The configuration file is:

    "DESIGN_IS_CORE": 0,
    "CLOCK_PERIOD": 20,
    "CLOCK_PORT": "wb_clk_i",
    "FP_SIZING": "absolute",
    "DIE_AREA": "0 0 3000 3000",
    "FP_PIN_ORDER_CFG": "dir::pin_order.cfg",
    "VDD_NETS": [
    "GND_NETS": [
    "IO_SYNC": 0,
    "BASE_SDC_FILE": "dir::base_cortez.sdc",
    "RUN_CVC": 1,
    "PDK": "gf180mcuD",
    "STD_CELL_LIBRARY": "gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0",
    "FP_CORE_UTIL": 40,
    "RT_MAX_LAYER": "Metal4",
    "PL_TARGET_DENSITY": 0.45,

Any idea?

donn commented 8 months ago

If disabling it is out of the question, you may want file a new issue