The-OpenROAD-Project / OpenROAD-flow-scripts

OpenROAD's scripts implementing an RTL-to-GDS Flow. Documentation at
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Directory not found when trying to run the flow #491

Closed GabbedT closed 2 years ago

GabbedT commented 2 years ago

Hi, i'm trying to synthetize my first custom design. I created two directories: the source files in /src/UART/ and the configuration files in /design/sky130hd/UART. I also modified the Makefile by adding the following line uncommented: DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/sky130hd/UART/

Then i tried to run: make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/sky130hd/UART/ and the following output appeared:

Makefile:128: designs/sky130hd/UART/ No such file or directory
[INFO][FLOW] Using platform directory ./platforms/
Makefile:143: platforms// No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `platforms//'.  Stop.

To me it seems like that the directories aren't updated.

This is the sequence of commands i use to run OpenROAD:

 cd OpenROAD-flow-scripts

xhost +local:docker

docker \
   run \
   --tty \
   --interactive \
   --user $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) \
   --net=host \
   --ipc=host \
   --env DISPLAY=${DISPLAY} \
   --volume $(pwd)/flow/platforms:/OpenROAD-flow-scripts/flow/platforms:ro \
   --volume $(pwd)/flow/scripts:/OpenROAD-flow-scripts/flow/scripts:ro \
   --volume ${HOME}:/home/${USER} \
   --volume /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
   --volume ${HOME}/.Xauthority:/.Xauthority \
   --security-opt seccomp=unconfined \
   --privileged \
   openroad/flow-scripts \


cd flow

I also tried: make clean_all

tspyrou commented 2 years ago

I think it best that you use the OpenLane setup for your work on sky130. It is the main design script repo for this PDK. In the meantime in openroad-flow-scripts you can try running the prepackaged aes design. If that works compare your makefile to the makefile in that design directory.

maliberty commented 2 years ago

I guess you config is missing

export PLATFORM = sky130hd

but you should post it if that doesn't fix the issue.

GabbedT commented 2 years ago

@maliberty This is my file:

export DESIGN_NAME = uart
export PLATFORM    = sky130hd

export VERILOG_FILES = export VERILOG_FILES = $(sort $(wildcard ./designs/src/$(DESIGN_NICKNAME)/*.v))                 

export SDC_FILE = ./designs/$(PLATFORM)/$(DESIGN_NICKNAME)/constraint.sdc

# Adders degrade ibex setup repair
export ADDER_MAP_FILE :=

export CORE_MARGIN = 2
export PLACE_DENSITY = 0.65

# Synthesis strategies
export ABC_AREA = 1

export FASTROUTE_TCL = $(PLATFORM_DIR)/fastroute_base.tcl

# IR drop estimation supply net name to be analyzed and supply voltage variable
# For multiple nets: PWR_NETS_VOLTAGES  = "VDD1 1.8 VDD2 1.2"
export PWR_NETS_VOLTAGES  = "VDD 1.8"
export GND_NETS_VOLTAGES  = "VSS 0.0"
GabbedT commented 2 years ago

@tspyrou The other designs work perfectly. Also what are the advantages of OpenLane over OpenROAD?

vvbandeira commented 2 years ago

My guess is that you generated the image before adding your design files, and the --volume parameters do not account for this use case. Can you try the following?

docker \
   run \
   --tty \
   --interactive \
   --user $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) \
   --net=host \
   --ipc=host \
   --env DISPLAY=${DISPLAY} \
   --volume $(pwd)/flow:/OpenROAD-flow-scripts/flow \
   --volume ${HOME}:/home/${USER} \
   --volume /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
   --volume ${HOME}/.Xauthority:/.Xauthority \
   --security-opt seccomp=unconfined \
   --privileged \
   openroad/flow-scripts \
GabbedT commented 2 years ago

@vvbandeira Now when i run the flow:

bash-4.2$ make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/sky130hd/UART/
[INFO][FLOW] Using platform directory ./platforms/sky130hd
make: *** No rule to make target `export', needed by `results/sky130hd/UART/base/1_1_yosys.v'.  Stop.

I noticed that i do not have any result directory: Makefile designs objects platforms scripts test tutorials util, this is the flow directory

vvbandeira commented 2 years ago
export VERILOG_FILES = export VERILOG_FILES = $(sort $(wildcard ./designs/src/$(DESIGN_NICKNAME)/*.v))                 

should probably be

export VERILOG_FILES = $(sort $(wildcard ./designs/src/$(DESIGN_NICKNAME)/*.v))                
GabbedT commented 2 years ago

@vvbandeira Still got the error unfortunately

vvbandeira commented 2 years ago

@GabbedT can you fork ORFS, add/commit your changes and provide a link? Is very hard to debug make issues without access to all the relevant files.

GabbedT commented 2 years ago


vvbandeira commented 2 years ago
export VERILOG_FILES = export VERILOG_FILES = $(sort $(wildcard ./designs/src/$(DESIGN_NICKNAME)/*.v))                   

should probably be

export VERILOG_FILES = $(sort $(wildcard ./designs/src/$(DESIGN_NICKNAME)/*.v))                  

I still see this problem here.

Also, there are a couple of commits in your fork deleting essential folders. Example: tools/ here.

Steps I ran:

The output I got looks like are issues with Yosys / your design:

bash-4.2$ make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/sky130hd/UART/
[INFO][FLOW] Using platform directory ./platforms/sky130hd
./util/ -p "sky130_fd_sc_hd__probe_p_8 sky130_fd_sc_hd__probec_p_8 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_bleeder_1 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_clkbufkapwr_1 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_clkbufkapwr_16 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_clkbufkapwr_2 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_clkbufkapwr_4 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_clkbufkapwr_8 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_clkinvkapwr_1 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_clkinvkapwr_16 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_clkinvkapwr_2 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_clkinvkapwr_4 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_clkinvkapwr_8 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_decapkapwr_12 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_decapkapwr_3 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_decapkapwr_4 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_decapkapwr_6 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_decapkapwr_8 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_inputiso0n_1 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_inputiso0p_1 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_inputiso1n_1 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_inputiso1p_1 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_inputisolatch_1 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_isobufsrc_1 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_isobufsrc_16 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_isobufsrc_2 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_isobufsrc_4 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_isobufsrc_8 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_isobufsrckapwr_16 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_lsbuf_lh_hl_isowell_tap_1 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_lsbuf_lh_hl_isowell_tap_2 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_lsbuf_lh_hl_isowell_tap_4 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_lsbuf_lh_isowell_4 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_lsbuf_lh_isowell_tap_1 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_lsbuf_lh_isowell_tap_2 sky130_fd_sc_hd__lpflow_lsbuf_lh_isowell_tap_4" -i platforms/sky130hd/lib/sky130_fd_sc_hd__tt_025C_1v80.lib -o objects/sky130hd/UART/base/lib/sky130_fd_sc_hd__tt_025C_1v80.lib
Opening file for replace: platforms/sky130hd/lib/sky130_fd_sc_hd__tt_025C_1v80.lib
Marked 36 cells as dont_use
Commented 0 lines containing "original_pin"
Replaced malformed functions 0
Writing replaced file: objects/sky130hd/UART/base/lib/sky130_fd_sc_hd__tt_025C_1v80.lib
mkdir -p ./results/sky130hd/UART/base ./logs/sky130hd/UART/base ./reports/sky130hd/UART/base
(/usr/bin/time -f 'Elapsed time: %E[h:]min:sec. CPU time: user %U sys %S (%P). Peak memory: %MKB.' /OpenROAD-flow-scripts/tools/install/yosys/bin/yosys -v 3 -c ./scripts/synth.tcl) 2>&1 | tee ./logs/sky130hd/UART/base/1_1_yosys.log
1. Executing Verilog-2005 frontend: ./designs/src/UART/baud_rate_generator.v
2. Executing Verilog-2005 frontend: ./designs/src/UART/configuration_registers.v
Warning: Yosys has only limited support for tri-state logic at the moment. (./designs/src/UART/configuration_registers.v:490)
3. Executing Verilog-2005 frontend: ./designs/src/UART/control_unit.v
4. Executing Verilog-2005 frontend: ./designs/src/UART/edge_detector.v
5. Executing Verilog-2005 frontend: ./designs/src/UART/interrupt_arbiter.v
Warning: Yosys has only limited support for tri-state logic at the moment. (./designs/src/UART/interrupt_arbiter.v:157)
Warning: Yosys has only limited support for tri-state logic at the moment. (./designs/src/UART/interrupt_arbiter.v:158)
6. Executing Verilog-2005 frontend: ./designs/src/UART/receiver.v
./designs/src/UART/receiver.v:1: ERROR: Re-definition of module `$abstract\sync_FIFO_buffer'!
Elapsed time: 0:00.05[h:]min:sec. CPU time: user 0.03 sys 0.01 (96%). Peak memory: 6848KB.
make: *** [results/sky130hd/UART/base/1_1_yosys.v] Error 1
GabbedT commented 2 years ago

@vvbandeira Ok, now my output is the same. When i converted the .sv files into .v the FIFO module was translated into both receiver.v and transmitter.v. Then I created another file called sync_FIFO_buffer.v and deleted the previous redefinitions. Now this is the error:

7. Executing Verilog-2005 frontend: ./designs/src/UART/sync_FIFO_buffer.v
./designs/src/UART/sync_FIFO_buffer.v:1: ERROR: Re-definition of module `$abstract\sync_FIFO_buffer'!
Elapsed time: 0:00.01[h:]min:sec. CPU time: user 0.01 sys 0.00 (100%). Peak memory: 10372KB.
make: *** [results/sky130hd/UART/base/1_1_yosys.v] Error 1

This is the updated folder:

I searched the error but the only thing i found that is related to my problem is this:

vijayank88 commented 2 years ago

@tspyrou The other designs work perfectly. Also what are the advantages of OpenLane over OpenROAD?

@GabbedT OpenROAD will do floorplan to routing. The other signoff check done by OpenLane flow. Install OpenLane from here Also with your UART/src file I'm able to complete the GDS generation with OpenLane with default settings. Try and let us know

GabbedT commented 2 years ago

@vijayank88 I'll try that out. Also, is it possible to visualize the synthetized design with the OpenROAD gui, i found that really helpful for synthesis exploration for the various options like visualizing heat maps, clock trees etc.

vijayank88 commented 2 years ago

@GabbedT yes you can get all features. OpenLane is an integrated platform of OpenROAD and other open source tools.

GabbedT commented 2 years ago

@vijayank88 Thanks, then i'll definitely move to OpenLane flow, can I close the issue?