The-OpenROAD-Project / OpenSTA

OpenSTA engine
GNU General Public License v3.0
399 stars 172 forks source link

read_parasitics warning - net not found #10

Closed kunalg123 closed 3 years ago

kunalg123 commented 5 years ago

Hi James After reading parasitics, I get below opensta warning opensta warning: Warning: /home/anaghavsd/Desktop/work/to_kunal/mkSoc_wrapper.post_route.spef.max, line 1757581 net U1/lv_result__h66626[5] not found.

But when debugged more in SPEF file I see below: Inside SPEF File: *2233 U1/lv_result__h66626[5]

Line no. 1757581 78 143:55 2233:13 0.1392269

D_NET 2233 4.270612

CONN I 2234:Z O L 0.0 D dl03d1 C 664.895 5310.3 I 2235:A1 I L 4.929 C 668.2 5299.12 N 2233:3 C 664.28 5312.0 N 2233:4 C 664.28 5312.0 N 2233:5 C 664.28 5310.84 N 2233:6 C 664.28 5310.84 N 2233:7 C 666.52 5310.84 N 2233:8 C 666.52 5310.84 N 2233:9 C 666.52 5300.28 N 2233:10 C 666.52 5300.28 N 2233:11 C 668.2 5300.28 N 2233:12 C 668.2 5300.28 N 2233:13 *C 668.2 5299.12

CAP 1 2234:Z 0.06939172 2 2235:A1 0.0 3 2233:3 0.1211474 4 2233:4 0.06939172 5 2233:5 0.2014812 6 2233:6 0.1211474 7 2233:7 0.2014812 8 2233:8 0.6075613 9 2233:9 0.2244984 10 2233:10 0.6075613 11 2233:11 0.2244984 12 2233:12 0.101769 13 2233:13 0.101769 14 2233:12 143:55 0.1392269 15 2233:13 143:55 0.1392269 16 2233:8 650420:9 0.4570534 17 2233:10 650420:9 0.4570534 18 2233:8 650438:264 0.0314983 19 2233:10 650438:264 0.0314983 20 2233:10 650438:263 0.03416146 21 2233:10 650438:265 0.09252438 22 2233:3 650438:264 0.1183352

RES 1 2233:3 2233:4 6.000001 2 2233:5 2233:6 6.000001 3 2233:7 2233:8 6.000001 4 2233:9 2233:10 6.000001 5 2233:11 2233:12 6.000001 6 2233:13 2235:A1 6.000001 7 2233:4 2234:Z 0.1885714 8 2233:6 2233:3 0.4400001 9 2233:10 2233:8 3.125714 10 2233:13 2233:12 0.4400001 11 2233:5 2233:7 0.7485715 12 2233:9 *2233:11 0.5885715

Opensta timing reports After loading the verilog, when I use the below commands, I do see the net. So where is the net not found? Am I missing anything? % get_nets U1/lv_result__h66626[5] _60ace52700000000_p_Net % report_checks -digits 4 -fields {capacitance transition_time input_pins nets fanout} -no_line_splits -path_delay max -through [get_nets U1/lv_result__h66626[5] ] Startpoint: U1/dma_dma_ccr_5_reg16 (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLK) Endpoint: U1/dma_rg_cpa_5_reg5 (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLK) Path Group: CLK Path Type: max

Fanout        Cap       Slew      Delay       Time   Description

                                 0.0000     0.0000   clock CLK (rise edge)              
                                 6.7393     6.7393   clock network delay (propagated)   
                      0.3830     0.0000     6.7393 ^ U1/dma_dma_ccr_5_reg_16_/CP (sdnrb1)
                      0.0788     0.5712     7.3104 v U1/dma_dma_ccr_5_reg_16_/Q (sdnrb1)
     1     0.0063                                    U1/MUX_dma_m_xactor_f_rd_addr_enq_1__VAL_6_22 (net)
                      0.0788     0.0001     7.3106 v U1/U7585/I (buffd3)                
                      0.0839     0.2168     7.5274 v U1/U7585/Z (buffd3)                
     1     0.0081                                    U1/n744 (net)                      
                      0.0839     0.0002     7.5276 v U1/U78812/I (bufbd4)               
                      0.0707     0.1681     7.6956 v U1/U78812/Z (bufbd4)               
     1     0.0090                                    U1/n83296 (net)                    
                      0.0707     0.0002     7.6958 v U1/U78466/I (buffd7)               
                      0.0697     0.1758     7.8716 v U1/U78466/Z (buffd7)               
     2     0.0150                                    U1/n82946 (net)                    
                      0.0697     0.0003     7.8719 v U1/U54722/I (bufbd3)               
                      0.0805     0.1445     8.0164 v U1/U54722/Z (bufbd3)               
     2     0.0209                                    U1/n58764 (net)                    
                      0.0805     0.0004     8.0169 v U1/U96990/I (buffd1)               
                      0.3433     0.3475     8.3643 v U1/U96990/Z (buffd1)               
     7     0.0577                                    U1/n102366 (net)                   
                      0.3433     0.0016     8.3660 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U167/I (buffd1)
                      0.0853     0.2665     8.6325 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U167/Z (buffd1)
     1     0.0048                                    U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/n248 (net)
                      0.0853     0.0001     8.6326 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U279/I (dl01d2)
                      0.1525     0.5225     9.1551 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U279/Z (dl01d2)
     1     0.0057                                    U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/n142 (net)
                      0.1525     0.0001     9.1552 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U280/I (dl01d2)
                      0.1497     0.5333     9.6885 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U280/Z (dl01d2)
     1     0.0052                                    U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/n143 (net)
                      0.1497     0.0001     9.6886 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U755/A2 (nr02d0)
                      0.8731     0.4852    10.1737 ^ U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U755/ZN (nr02d0)
     1     0.0149                                    U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/n671 (net)
                      0.8731     0.0004    10.1742 ^ U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U119/I (dl01d1)
                      0.2248     0.7421    10.9163 ^ U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U119/Z (dl01d1)
     2     0.0121                                    U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/n138 (net)
                      0.2248     0.0004    10.9167 ^ U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U649/A2 (an12d1)
                      0.3693     0.2971    11.2137 ^ U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U649/Z (an12d1)
     2     0.0300                                    U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/n669 (net)
                      0.3694     0.0013    11.2150 ^ U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U643/A2 (nd02d0)
                      0.3339     0.2181    11.4331 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U643/ZN (nd02d0)
     3     0.0128                                    U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/n673 (net)
                      0.3339     0.0002    11.4333 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U555/I (inv0d1)
                      0.1413     0.1331    11.5664 ^ U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U555/ZN (inv0d1)
     1     0.0054                                    U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/n678 (net)
                      0.1413     0.0001    11.5665 ^ U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U658/B2 (aoi21d1)
                      0.1942     0.1247    11.6912 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U658/ZN (aoi21d1)
     2     0.0133                                    U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/n686 (net)
                      0.1942     0.0003    11.6915 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U667/B1 (oai21d1)
                      0.8122     0.4559    12.1474 ^ U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U667/ZN (oai21d1)
     2     0.0200                                    U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/n710 (net)
                      0.8122     0.0009    12.1483 ^ U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U684/B1 (aoi21d2)
                      0.1328     0.3757    12.5240 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U684/ZN (aoi21d2)
     2     0.0327                                    U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/n758 (net)
                      0.1328     0.0013    12.5253 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U685/I (inv0d2)
                      0.1592     0.1115    12.6369 ^ U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U685/ZN (inv0d2)
     3     0.0225                                    U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/n730 (net)
                      0.1592     0.0005    12.6374 ^ U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U690/A1 (xn02d1)
                      0.1289     0.2710    12.9085 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U690/ZN (xn02d1)
     1     0.0084                                    U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/n32 (net) 
                      0.1289     0.0002    12.9086 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U23/I (buffd1)
                      0.0917     0.2155    13.1242 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U23/Z (buffd1)
     1     0.0060                                    U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/n231 (net)
                      0.0917     0.0001    13.1243 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U124/I (dl03d1)
                      0.3833     2.3981    15.5224 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U124/Z (dl03d1)
     1     0.0030                                    **U1/lv_result__h66626[5]** (net)      
                      0.3833     0.0000    15.5224 v U1/U26534/A1 (aor22d1)             
                      0.1082     0.2456    15.7680 v U1/U26534/Z (aor22d1)              
     1     0.0073                                    U1/n5537 (net)                     
                      0.1082     0.0002    15.7681 v U1/dma_rg_cpa_5_reg_5__U3/I0 (mx02d4)
                      0.1199     0.3415    16.1096 v U1/dma_rg_cpa_5_reg_5__U3/Z (mx02d4)
     1     0.0074                                    U1/n23827 (net)                    
                      0.1199     0.0001    16.1098 v U1/U78973/I (dl03d1)               
                      0.4280     2.4393    18.5490 v U1/U78973/Z (dl03d1)               
     1     0.0049                                    U1/n83458 (net)                    
                      0.4280     0.0000    18.5490 v U1/U119807/I (bufbd4)              
                      0.0775     0.2558    18.8048 v U1/U119807/Z (bufbd4)              
     1     0.0118                                    U1/n119222 (net)                   
                      0.0775     0.0002    18.8050 v U1/U119809/I (buffd2)              
                      0.0611     0.1311    18.9362 v U1/U119809/Z (buffd2)              
     1     0.0053                                    U1/n119224 (net)                   
                      0.0611     0.0001    18.9363 v U1/U119808/I (buffd3)              
                      0.0733     0.2024    19.1387 v U1/U119808/Z (buffd3)              
     1     0.0033                                    U1/n119223 (net)                   
                      0.0733     0.0001    19.1388 v U1/dma_rg_cpa_5_reg_5_/D (sdnrb1)  
                                           19.1388   data arrival time                  

                                20.0000    20.0000   clock CLK (rise edge)              
                                 6.7002    26.7002   clock network delay (propagated)   
                                -0.9000    25.8002   clock uncertainty                  
                                 0.0000    25.8002   clock reconvergence pessimism      
                                           25.8002 ^ U1/dma_rg_cpa_5_reg_5_/CP (sdnrb1) 
                                -0.4036    25.3966   library setup time                 
                                           25.3966   data required time                 

                                           25.3966   data required time                 
                                          -19.1388   data arrival time                  

                                            6.2578   slack (MET)                        
jjcherry56 commented 5 years ago

Yes, you are missing something important. A test case.

On Wednesday, November 21, 2018, kunalg123 wrote:

Hi James After reading parasitics, I get below opensta warning opensta warning: Warning: /home/anaghavsd/Desktop/work/to_kunal/mkSoc_wrapper.post_route.spef.max, line 1757581 net U1/lv_result__h66626[5] not found.

But when debugged more in SPEF file I see below: Inside SPEF File: *2233 U1/lv_result__h66626[5]

Line no. 1757581 78 143:55 2233:13 0.1392269

D_NET 2233 4.270612

CONN I 2234:Z O L 0.0 D dl03d1 C 664.895 5310.3 I 2235:A1 I L 4.929 C 668.2 5299.12 N 2233:3 C 664.28 5312.0 N 2233:4 C 664.28 5312.0 N 2233:5 C 664.28 5310.84 N 2233:6 C 664.28 5310.84 N 2233:7 C 666.52 5310.84 N 2233:8 C 666.52 5310.84 N 2233:9 C 666.52 5300.28 N 2233:10 C 666.52 5300.28 N 2233:11 C 668.2 5300.28 N 2233:12 C 668.2 5300.28 N 2233:13 *C 668.2 5299.12

CAP 1 2234:Z 0.06939172 2 2235:A1 0.0 3 2233:3 0.1211474 4 2233:4 0.06939172 5 2233:5 0.2014812 6 2233:6 0.1211474 7 2233:7 0.2014812 8 2233:8 0.6075613 9 2233:9 0.2244984 10 2233:10 0.6075613 11 2233:11 0.2244984 12 2233:12 0.101769 13 2233:13 0.101769 14 2233:12 143:55 0.1392269 15 2233:13 143:55 0.1392269 16 2233:8 650420:9 0.4570534 17 2233:10 650420:9 0.4570534 18 2233:8 650438:264 0.0314983 19 2233:10 650438:264 0.0314983 20 2233:10 650438:263 0.03416146 21 2233:10 650438:265 0.09252438 22 2233:3 650438:264 0.1183352

RES 1 2233:3 2233:4 6.000001 2 2233:5 2233:6 6.000001 3 2233:7 2233:8 6.000001 4 2233:9 2233:10 6.000001 5 2233:11 2233:12 6.000001 6 2233:13 2235:A1 6.000001 7 2233:4 2234:Z 0.1885714 8 2233:6 2233:3 0.4400001 9 2233:10 2233:8 3.125714 10 2233:13 2233:12 0.4400001 11 2233:5 2233:7 0.7485715 12 2233:9 *2233:11 0.5885715

Opensta timing reports After loading the verilog, when I use the below commands, I do see the net. So where is the net not found? Am I missing anything? % get_nets U1/lv_result__h66626[5]

60ace52700000000_p_Net % report_checks -digits 4 -fields {capacitance transition_time input_pins nets fanout} -no_line_splits -path_delay max -through [get_nets U1/lv_result__h66626[5] ] Startpoint: U1/dma_dma_ccr_5_reg_16 (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLK) Endpoint: U1/dma_rg_cpa_5_reg5 (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLK) Path Group: CLK Path Type: max

Fanout Cap Slew Delay Time Description

                             0.0000     0.0000   clock CLK (rise edge)
                             6.7393     6.7393   clock network delay (propagated)
                  0.3830     0.0000     6.7393 ^ U1/dma_dma_ccr_5_reg_16_/CP (sdnrb1)
                  0.0788     0.5712     7.3104 v U1/dma_dma_ccr_5_reg_16_/Q (sdnrb1)
 1     0.0063                                    U1/MUX_dma_m_xactor_f_rd_addr_enq_1__VAL_6_22 (net)
                  0.0788     0.0001     7.3106 v U1/U7585/I (buffd3)
                  0.0839     0.2168     7.5274 v U1/U7585/Z (buffd3)
 1     0.0081                                    U1/n744 (net)
                  0.0839     0.0002     7.5276 v U1/U78812/I (bufbd4)
                  0.0707     0.1681     7.6956 v U1/U78812/Z (bufbd4)
 1     0.0090                                    U1/n83296 (net)
                  0.0707     0.0002     7.6958 v U1/U78466/I (buffd7)
                  0.0697     0.1758     7.8716 v U1/U78466/Z (buffd7)
 2     0.0150                                    U1/n82946 (net)
                  0.0697     0.0003     7.8719 v U1/U54722/I (bufbd3)
                  0.0805     0.1445     8.0164 v U1/U54722/Z (bufbd3)
 2     0.0209                                    U1/n58764 (net)
                  0.0805     0.0004     8.0169 v U1/U96990/I (buffd1)
                  0.3433     0.3475     8.3643 v U1/U96990/Z (buffd1)
 7     0.0577                                    U1/n102366 (net)
                  0.3433     0.0016     8.3660 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U167/I (buffd1)
                  0.0853     0.2665     8.6325 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U167/Z (buffd1)
 1     0.0048                                    U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/n248 (net)
                  0.0853     0.0001     8.6326 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U279/I (dl01d2)
                  0.1525     0.5225     9.1551 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U279/Z (dl01d2)
 1     0.0057                                    U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/n142 (net)
                  0.1525     0.0001     9.1552 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U280/I (dl01d2)
                  0.1497     0.5333     9.6885 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U280/Z (dl01d2)
 1     0.0052                                    U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/n143 (net)
                  0.1497     0.0001     9.6886 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U755/A2 (nr02d0)
                  0.8731     0.4852    10.1737 ^ U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U755/ZN (nr02d0)
 1     0.0149                                    U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/n671 (net)
                  0.8731     0.0004    10.1742 ^ U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U119/I (dl01d1)
                  0.2248     0.7421    10.9163 ^ U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U119/Z (dl01d1)
 2     0.0121                                    U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/n138 (net)
                  0.2248     0.0004    10.9167 ^ U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U649/A2 (an12d1)
                  0.3693     0.2971    11.2137 ^ U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U649/Z (an12d1)
 2     0.0300                                    U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/n669 (net)
                  0.3694     0.0013    11.2150 ^ U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U643/A2 (nd02d0)
                  0.3339     0.2181    11.4331 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U643/ZN (nd02d0)
 3     0.0128                                    U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/n673 (net)
                  0.3339     0.0002    11.4333 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U555/I (inv0d1)
                  0.1413     0.1331    11.5664 ^ U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U555/ZN (inv0d1)
 1     0.0054                                    U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/n678 (net)
                  0.1413     0.0001    11.5665 ^ U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U658/B2 (aoi21d1)
                  0.1942     0.1247    11.6912 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U658/ZN (aoi21d1)
 2     0.0133                                    U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/n686 (net)
                  0.1942     0.0003    11.6915 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U667/B1 (oai21d1)
                  0.8122     0.4559    12.1474 ^ U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U667/ZN (oai21d1)
 2     0.0200                                    U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/n710 (net)
                  0.8122     0.0009    12.1483 ^ U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U684/B1 (aoi21d2)
                  0.1328     0.3757    12.5240 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U684/ZN (aoi21d2)
 2     0.0327                                    U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/n758 (net)
                  0.1328     0.0013    12.5253 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U685/I (inv0d2)
                  0.1592     0.1115    12.6369 ^ U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U685/ZN (inv0d2)
 3     0.0225                                    U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/n730 (net)
                  0.1592     0.0005    12.6374 ^ U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U690/A1 (xn02d1)
                  0.1289     0.2710    12.9085 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U690/ZN (xn02d1)
 1     0.0084                                    U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/n32 (net)
                  0.1289     0.0002    12.9086 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U23/I (buffd1)
                  0.0917     0.2155    13.1242 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U23/Z (buffd1)
 1     0.0060                                    U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/n231 (net)
                  0.0917     0.0001    13.1243 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U124/I (dl03d1)
                  0.3833     2.3981    15.5224 v U1/DP_OP_3952J2_127_2298/U124/Z (dl03d1)
 1     0.0030                                    **U1/lv_result__h66626[5]** (net)
                  0.3833     0.0000    15.5224 v U1/U26534/A1 (aor22d1)
                  0.1082     0.2456    15.7680 v U1/U26534/Z (aor22d1)
 1     0.0073                                    U1/n5537 (net)
                  0.1082     0.0002    15.7681 v U1/dma_rg_cpa_5_reg_5__U3/I0 (mx02d4)
                  0.1199     0.3415    16.1096 v U1/dma_rg_cpa_5_reg_5__U3/Z (mx02d4)
 1     0.0074                                    U1/n23827 (net)
                  0.1199     0.0001    16.1098 v U1/U78973/I (dl03d1)
                  0.4280     2.4393    18.5490 v U1/U78973/Z (dl03d1)
 1     0.0049                                    U1/n83458 (net)
                  0.4280     0.0000    18.5490 v U1/U119807/I (bufbd4)
                  0.0775     0.2558    18.8048 v U1/U119807/Z (bufbd4)
 1     0.0118                                    U1/n119222 (net)
                  0.0775     0.0002    18.8050 v U1/U119809/I (buffd2)
                  0.0611     0.1311    18.9362 v U1/U119809/Z (buffd2)
 1     0.0053                                    U1/n119224 (net)
                  0.0611     0.0001    18.9363 v U1/U119808/I (buffd3)
                  0.0733     0.2024    19.1387 v U1/U119808/Z (buffd3)
 1     0.0033                                    U1/n119223 (net)
                  0.0733     0.0001    19.1388 v U1/dma_rg_cpa_5_reg_5_/D (sdnrb1)
                                       19.1388   data arrival time

                            20.0000    20.0000   clock CLK (rise edge)
                             6.7002    26.7002   clock network delay (propagated)
                            -0.9000    25.8002   clock uncertainty
                             0.0000    25.8002   clock reconvergence pessimism
                                       25.8002 ^ U1/dma_rg_cpa_5_reg_5_/CP (sdnrb1)
                            -0.4036    25.3966   library setup time
                                       25.3966   data required time

                                       25.3966   data required time
                                      -19.1388   data arrival time

                                        6.2578   slack (MET)

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kunalg123 commented 5 years ago

Really Apologize for delay. Actually design is taped out and porting it to opensource libraries (which can be shared) just took some time Attaching testcase. You can check some of below nets % get_nets U1/qspi1\$slave_rdata[63] _e0bebf0700000000_p_Net % get_nets U1/qspi1/v__h15039[17]

Steps to run testcase 1) Download 2) tar -xvzf testcase.tar.gz 3) cd testcase 4) sta -f mkSoc_wrapper.post_route.osu.cmd Let me know if you face issue

jjcherry56 commented 5 years ago

These sort of issues are always name mapping / namespace related.

The problem is the spef is not consistent with the verilog. For example, the first error reported is:

Warning: ./mkSoc_wrapper.post_route.osu.spef, line 928661 instance U1/qspi1/s_xactor_f_rd_addr/D_OUT_reg[0] not found.

The verilog for the last instance in this path is:

DFFPOSX1 \s_xactor_f_rd_addr/D_OUT_reg[0] (.Q ( s_xactor_f_rd_addr$D_OUT[0] ) , .CLK ( CLK_cts_3_6 ) , .D ( n6706 ) ) ;

The escaped name means that the hierarchy dividers in the name are quoted. In spef this corresponds to:


IE, the last hierarchy divider needs to be escaped in spef because it is escaped in verilog, for the same reason that the bus delimiters are escaped. It may be a problem further upstream in the DEF.

SDC removes all quoting obscuring the issue. OpenSTA readers for other formats do not extend this promiscuity. I do not consider this a bug. It is a bug in the spef writer.

On Friday, November 30, 2018, kunalg123 wrote:

Really Apologize for delay. Actually design is taped out and porting it to opensource libraries (which can be shared) just took some time Attaching testcase. You can check some of below nets % get_nets U1/qspi1$slave_rdata[63] _e0bebf0700000000_p_Net % get_nets U1/qspi1/v__h15039[17] _f06ed30700000000_p_Net!Ai4WW_jutenggas652Vq2moOnyRA-g

Steps to run testcase

  1. Download
  2. tar -xvzf testcase.tar.gz
  3. cd testcase
  4. sta -f mkSoc_wrapper.post_route.osu.cmd Let me know if you face issue

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jjcherry56 commented 5 years ago

Here are some other issues I saw in the testcase:

Since there is only one lib file it is also used for min (hold) paths and specifying -max makes no sense:

read_liberty -max osu018_stdcells.lib

Ditto for spef:

read_parasitics -max ./mkSoc_wrapper.post_route.osu.spef

The -wavform argument is superfluous because the default is a 50% duty cycle clock:

create_clock -name TCK -period 20 -waveform {0 10} [get_ports CLK_tck]

This is just asking for trouble because some of the inputs are clocks, and it makes no sense at all to specify an input delay on a clock.

set_input_delay 2 -clock CLK [all_inputs]

You probably want the CLOCK to be propagated, not a specific PORT:

set_propagated_clock [get_ports CLK] set_propagated_clock [get_ports CLK_tck] set_propagated_clock [get_clocks CLK] set_propagated_clock [get_clocks TCK]

So the followiing is simpler:

set_propagated_clock [all_clocks]

crpr is enabled by default, so this command is not necessary:

set sta_crpr_enabled 1

It is rather unusual to see crpr mode same_transition. The default same_pin is more common.

set sta_crpr_mode same_transition

The current_design command has no effect on the report_checks command so there is no point in using it here.

current_design mkSoc_wrapper

Note that no timing paths are reported.

report_checks No constrained paths.

This is because the clocks run into "dummy" pad cells that have no timing groups:

report_edges -from CLK CLK -> clk/PAD wire r -> r 0.00|0.00:0.00|0.00 f -> f 0.00|0.00:0.00|0.00 % report_edges -from clk/PAD report_edges -from clk/PAD

% report_edges -from CLK report_edges -from CLK CLK -> clk/PAD wire r -> r 0.00|0.00:0.00|0.00 f -> f 0.00|0.00:0.00|0.00 % report_edges -from clk/PAD report_edges -from clk/PAD % report_instance clk report_instance clk Instance clk Cell: pc3d21 Library: tsl18cio150_max Path cells: pc3d21 % report_lib_cell pc3d21 report_lib_cell pc3d21 Cell pc3d21 Library tsl18cio150_max File dummy.lib PAD input CIN output

looking at dummy.lib:

cell(pc3d21) { pin(PAD) { direction : input;} pin(CIN) { direction : output;} }

you can see why the clock did not get very far.

On Friday, November 30, 2018, James Cherry wrote:

These sort of issues are always name mapping / namespace related.

The problem is the spef is not consistent with the verilog. For example, the first error reported is:

Warning: ./mkSoc_wrapper.post_route.osu.spef, line 928661 instance U1/qspi1/s_xactor_f_rd_addr/D_OUT_reg[0] not found.

The verilog for the last instance in this path is:

DFFPOSX1 \s_xactor_f_rd_addr/D_OUT_reg[0] (.Q ( s_xactor_f_rd_addr$D_OUT[0] ) , .CLK ( CLK_cts_3_6 ) , .D ( n6706 ) ) ;

The escaped name means that the hierarchy dividers in the name are quoted. In spef this corresponds to:


IE, the last hierarchy divider needs to be escaped in spef because it is escaped in verilog, for the same reason that the bus delimiters are escaped. It may be a problem further upstream in the DEF.

SDC removes all quoting obscuring the issue. OpenSTA readers for other formats do not extend this promiscuity. I do not consider this a bug. It is a bug in the spef writer.

On Friday, November 30, 2018, kunalg123 wrote:

Really Apologize for delay. Actually design is taped out and porting it to opensource libraries (which can be shared) just took some time Attaching testcase. You can check some of below nets % get_nets U1/qspi1$slave_rdata[63] _e0bebf0700000000_p_Net % get_nets U1/qspi1/v__h15039[17] _f06ed30700000000_p_Net!Ai4WW_jutenggas652Vq2moOnyRA-g

Steps to run testcase

  1. Download
  2. tar -xvzf testcase.tar.gz
  3. cd testcase
  4. sta -f mkSoc_wrapper.post_route.osu.cmd Let me know if you face issue

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kunalg123 commented 5 years ago

IE, the last hierarchy divider needs to be escaped in spef because it is escaped in verilog, for the same reason that the bus delimiters are escaped. It may be a problem further upstream in the DEF. I do not consider this a bug. It is a bug in the spef writer.

Not sure why openSTA behaves that way I read same spef and netlist in 2 other timing tools, and looks like, its getting annotated. report_annotated_parasitics from one of the tool is below Anyways, if that's the case with openSTA, let me find out a way to dump spef's in a way openSTA understands. I will keep you posted If you know of a way, where your other customers have resolved spef write issue, can you please help let us know?

                |         |         |         |   RC    |   Not   |

Net Type | Total | Lumped | RC pi | network |Annotated| --------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ Internal nets | | | | | |

kunalg123 commented 5 years ago

Hi James I used a fresh testcase, and taken care of escaped characters (I still find it difficult to accept what you mentioned about escaped character, as 2 other tools annotate the parasitics as is) Below is the annotation report for the new testcase from one of other tools

                |         |         |         |   RC    |   Not   |

Net Type | Total | Lumped | RC pi | network |Annotated| --------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ Internal nets | | | | | |

And opensta gives below error read_parasitics -max /home/anaghavsd/Desktop/work/tools/vsdflow/vsdflow/qflow_standalone_testing/mkSoc_wrapper/pnr/osu018_yosys_synth_icc/mkSoc_wrapper.postroute.osu.spef.max Warning: /home/anaghavsd/Desktop/work/tools/vsdflow/vsdflow/qflow_standalone_testing/mkSoc_wrapper/pnr/osu018_yosys_synth_icc/mkSoc_wrapper.postroute.osu.spef.max, line 178 syntax error, unexpected $undefined, expecting QSTRING or IDENT or NAME.

Attaching testcase in below link. Steps to reproduce remains same!Ai4WW_jutenggatKLBAtD_3CaOu_tQ

jjcherry56 commented 5 years ago

The spef format is defined by an IEEE spec, not the behavior of a tool that I have no faith in. Maybe you should read the spec. OpenSTA has been reading legitimate spef files for 18 years.

The spef file here conflates verilog escaping with spef escaping, which are two completely different animals. Did you "fix" this with a perl script or something? I cannot believe that any commercial tool would write a spef file that looks like that.

If you want to pay Parallax Software to add a -allow_brain_damaged_escaping flag to the read_parasitics file, we can arrange that.

On Tuesday, December 4, 2018, Kunal Ghosh wrote:

Hi James I used a fresh testcase, and taken care of escaped characters (I still find it difficult to accept what you mentioned about escaped character, as 2 other tools annotate the parasitics as is) Below is the annotation report for the new testcase from one of other tools

            |         |         |         |   RC    |   Not   |

Net Type | Total | Lumped | RC pi | network |Annotated| --------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ Internal nets | | | | | |

  • Pin to pin nets | 624306 | 0 | 0 | 624306 | 0 |
  • Driverless nets | 28457 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 28457 |
  • Loadless nets | 71 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 71 | --------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ Boundary/port nets | | | | | |
  • Pin to pin nets | 136 | 0 | 0 | 136 | 0 |
  • Driverless nets | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
  • Loadless nets | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | --------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | 652972 | 0 | 0 | 624442 | 28530 |

And opensta gives below error read_parasitics -max /home/anaghavsd/Desktop/work/ tools/vsdflow/vsdflow/qflow_standalonetesting/mkSoc wrapper/pnr/osu018_yosys_synth_icc/mkSocwrapper.postroute.osu.spef.max Warning: /home/anaghavsd/Desktop/work/tools/vsdflow/vsdflow/qflow standalone_testing/mkSoc_wrapper/pnr/osu018_yosys_synth_icc/mkSoc_wrapper.postroute.osu.spef.max, line 178 syntax error, unexpected $undefined, expecting QSTRING or IDENT or NAME.

Attaching testcase in below link. Steps to reproduce remains same!Ai4WW_jutenggatKLBAtD_3CaOu_tQ

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kunalg123 commented 5 years ago

The first testcase SPEF was written by a commercial industry grade tool (which you mentioned its a spef write issue). This was read successfully using another commercial industry grade eda tool

The second testcase SPEF was written by a commercial industry grade tool and I modified it using shell script to remove escaping. This was also read successfully using another commercial industry grade eda tool

If you want, I can share the run logs for other tools over team viewer. I don't see any other way to solve this problem other than getting to the root of it. I think we should do a quick team viewer so I can show you LIVE steps.

Let me know if that works. I can setup a date and time for the call. Intention is not to blame any tools here, but to solve an issue which me (and several people using openSTA here) are facing

kunalg123 commented 5 years ago

Hi James I created another very small testcase for us to debug even more deeper. I see the issue again here (regarding what you said about escaped character). But what's surprising is openSTA does recognize such nets using get_nets. Then why doesn't it annotates. Below is one such example There is also a case where a net is genuinely not there [% get_nets 113\[6\]] which openSTA reports correctly (you can see list of not-annotated nets at bottom of this message).

I guess below information should be good enough for your debug. Let me know if you need anything else. Will be happy to help Attaching testcase (nothing edited here. All collaterals dumped using commercial EDA tools. Synthesis was done using Yosys and PNR/SPEF generation was done using ICC):


% get_nets startbuf\[1\] _0065940100000000_p_Net % report_checks -through [get_nets startbuf\[1\]] Startpoint: 306 (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by clk) Endpoint: 274 (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by clk) Path Group: clk Path Type: max

 Delay       Time   Description

  0.00       0.00   clock clk (rise edge)               
  0.00       0.00   clock network delay (ideal)         
  0.00       0.00 ^ _306_/CLK (DFFSR)                   
  0.23       0.23 ^ _306_/Q (DFFSR)                     
  0.10       0.33 v _125_/Y (NOR2X1)                    
  0.13       0.45 v _246_/Y (AND2X2)                    
  0.00       0.46 v _274_/D (DFFSR)                     
             0.46   data arrival time                   

 20.00      20.00   clock clk (rise edge)               
  0.00      20.00   clock network delay (ideal)         
  0.00      20.00   clock reconvergence pessimism       
            20.00 ^ _274_/CLK (DFFSR)                   
 -0.09      19.91   library setup time                  
            19.91   data required time                  

            19.91   data required time                  
            -0.46   data arrival time                   

            19.45   slack (MET)                         

Annotation report from other tool | | | | RC | Not | Net Type | Total | Lumped | RC pi | network |Annotated| --------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ Internal nets | | | | | |

Nets not annotated from other tool Error: Cannot find net '114[7]' in design 'map9v3' Error: Cannot find net '114[6]' in design 'map9v3' Error: Cannot find net '114[5]' in design 'map9v3' Error: Cannot find net '114[4]' in design 'map9v3' Error: Cannot find net '114[3]' in design 'map9v3' Error: Cannot find net '114[2]' in design 'map9v3' Error: Cannot find net '114[1]' in design 'map9v3' Error: Cannot find net '114[0]' in design 'map9v3' Error: Cannot find net '111[7]' in design 'map9v3' Error: Cannot find net '111[6]' in design 'map9v3' Error: Cannot find net '111[5]' in design 'map9v3' Error: Cannot find net '111[4]' in design 'map9v3' Error: Cannot find net '111[3]' in design 'map9v3' Error: Cannot find net '111[2]' in design 'map9v3' Error: Cannot find net '111[1]' in design 'map9v3' Error: Cannot find net '111[0]' in design 'map9v3' Error: Cannot find net '112' in design 'map9v3' Error: Cannot find net '113[8]' in design 'map9v3' Error: Cannot find net '113[7]' in design 'map9v3' Error: Cannot find net '113[6]' in design 'map9v3' Error: Cannot find net '113[5]' in design 'map9v3' Error: Cannot find net '113[4]' in design 'map9v3' Error: Cannot find net '113[3]' in design 'map9v3' Error: Cannot find net '113[2]' in design 'map9v3' Error: Cannot find net '113[1]' in design 'map9v3' Error: Cannot find net '113[0]' in design 'map9v3'

kunalg123 commented 5 years ago

Checked this with PEX spef. OpenSTA still not able to read post-layout spef's with hierarchy separator. Please let us and everyone know if there a plan to fix this as none of post-layout designs can run on openSTA.

If anyone has hack or work-around for spef generation without hierarchy separator, can you please share? The first and third testcase can be used for debug/analysis/workaround

Ranjandv commented 5 years ago

Hi Kunal,

Could you add in the DEF and the initial netlist which you used to start the PNR??


kunalg123 commented 5 years ago

Hi @Ranjandv I will have to recreate the entire database once more. Are you looking forward to reproduce the error? I will anyways, recreate the entire testcase and upload

Ranjandv commented 5 years ago

Any simple testcase with def would be good. I wanted to check the same thing in def also. I wanted to understand more on the issue, seems like the issue is while generating the spef which might be coming from DEF.


Ranjandv commented 5 years ago

Hi Kunal,

Would it be possible to add the def by this week??


tspyrou commented 3 years ago

Closing, re-open if a testcase is available.