The-OpenROAD-Project / OpenSTA

OpenSTA engine
GNU General Public License v3.0
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STA not recognising the paths #175

Closed Vinayakamk closed 11 months ago

Vinayakamk commented 1 year ago

in the generated synthesis .v file, i found some of the flipflops connected to ouptut pins,(flipflop to output) but while pathgroup flops to output ,sta tells no paths found why? and how can i fix it.

vijayank88 commented 1 year ago

@Vinayakamk Attaching test case will be easy to debug.

Vinayakamk commented 1 year ago

for the synthesised multiplier design (mk_combo_mul),i wanted to do path struggling hard to do path groups (input to output ,flop to output,input to flop,and clk)

i succesfully able to do all these path groups for other design but now for this,can u plz kindly check whats happening.

mk_combo_mul.txt {this is yosys generated synthesied verilog file} in the file attched,from line number 48789,there are registers which are connected to output.

but find_timing_paths -from { list of all registers} -to {list of all inputs } says no paths found.

it would be great help if i could reach you online ,

vijayank88 commented 1 year ago

Have you tried -through option?

Vinayakamk commented 1 year ago

no.because to use -through i scare if any paths are neglected. since i able to do all pathgroups for picorv32 without mentioning -through ,i dint go for using it. i will again try as you suggested.