Closed RENEK-bool closed 3 months ago
Can you attach a test case? It's impossible to debug based on what you have written here...
I downloaded OpenSTA-2.2.0 from here There is an examples folder inside as shown below. The content of example1.tcl is as follows
# sdf example
read_liberty example1_slow.lib
read_verilog example1.v
link_design top
read_sdf example1.sdf
create_clock -name clk -period 10 {clk1 clk2 clk3}
set_input_delay -clock clk 0 {in1 in2}
As mentioned in my question, after I sourced example1.tcl in OpenSTA, I further entered the command report_dcalc -from r1/Q -to u2/A1, and nothing was returned. The following is the content of example1.v
module top (in1, in2, clk1, clk2, clk3, out);
input in1, in2, clk1, clk2, clk3;
output out;
wire r1q, r2q, u1z, u2z;
DFF_X1 r1 (.D(in1), .CK(clk1), .Q(r1q));
DFF_X1 r2 (.D(in2), .CK(clk2), .Q(r2q));
BUF_X1 u1 (.A(r2q), .Z(u1z));
AND2_X1 u2 (.A1(r1q), .A2(u1z), .ZN(u2z));
DFF_X1 r3 (.D(u2z), .CK(clk3), .Q(out));
endmodule // top
I also tried source example2.tcl. The difference between example1.tcl and example2.tcl is that example2.tcl does not have this command read_sdf example1.sdf. But it seems to have no effect. The command report_dcalc does not return any information.
This is the content of example2.tcl
# delay calc example
read_liberty example1_slow.lib
read_verilog example1.v
link_design top
create_clock -name clk -period 10 {clk1 clk2 clk3}
set_input_delay -clock clk 0 {in1 in2}
Issues or PRs should be filed with if still relevant. This is effectively a fork (though not strictly for historical reasons).
After sourcing example1.tcl, I want to see how the timing arc between r1/Q to u2/A1 is calculated, so I enter the command
but nothing is returned