The-Sequence-Ontology / SO-Ontologies

Collect of SO Ontologies
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Use RO or SO numeric identifiers for properties #608

Open balhoff opened 1 year ago

balhoff commented 1 year ago

SO contains a number of object properties using hash IRIs that don't resolve and don't follow the OBO identifier policy. Lots of these are identical to relations in RO. Would it be possible to make use of the RO relation IRIs? For those that aren't in RO, it would be nice to create new SO numeric IRIs for these relations, so that they resolve when accessed in a web browser, and can also be compacted to a CURIE using the standard SO to mapping.

balhoff commented 1 year ago

By the way, it is possible to continue using the shortname identifier for the relations within the OBO file if desired. I'd be happy to help with any technical issues.

cmungall commented 1 year ago

Let's do this. Many of the relations can be swapped out for relations in RO (which @keilbeck and I originally defined in As you say, the obo stanzas will be unchanged, and the owl will be much improved.

@balhoff I believe you should be able to make PRs on so-edit.obo in the root folder.

balhoff commented 1 year ago

@balhoff I believe you should be able to make PRs on so-edit.obo in the root folder.

Okay, great, I can make a start then.